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Category:Other languages--2000s
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Pages in category "Other languages--2000s"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.
- Carta d'Arísteas (Letter of Aristeas / 2001 Raurell), book (Catalan)
- Az egyházatyák Bibliája (The Bible of the Church Fathers / 2002 Vanyó), book (Hungarian)
- 聖經隱藏的歷史 : 破解達・文西密碼 (The Concealed History of the Bible: To Decode Da Vinci / 2005 Fang), non-fiction
- 西方圣经批评引论 (Introduction to Western Biblical Criticism / 2005 Liang), book
- Ιωβηλαίο έτος, Μελχισεδέκ και η προς Εβραίους Επιστολή (2006 Goutzioudis), book
- Lagen som evangelium?: den nya synen på Paulus och judendomen (The Law as Gospel?: The New Approach to Paul and Judaism / 2006 Zetterholm), book (Swedish)
- 圣经视阈中的东西方文学 (Oriental and Western Literature in the Horizon of the Bible / 2007 Liang), book
- Koraan (Qur'an / 2007 Udam), book (Estonian)
- Петр, Павел и Мария Магдалина = Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene (2009 Ehrman), book (Russian ed.)