Varus (sources)

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Survey of ancient sources on the Roman Governor of Syria Varus.


Early Jewish sources

Josephus, Jewish War

War 1.617-640; 2.16-54, 66-83.

Josephus, Jewish Antiquities

Ant 17.89-93, 118-133, 221-228, 250-268, 286-303.

Josephus, Against Apion

Ap I 34 -- ...Antiochus Epiphanes made an invasion upon our country, as also Pompey the Great and Quintilius Varo did...

Greco-Roman sources

Tacitus, Annals

Annals 1.3, 55, 57, 60-61.

Velleius Paterculus, Roman History


Cassius Dio, Roman History


Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars

Augustus 23.