The Jesus Scroll (1972 Joyce), arch-fi

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The Jesus Scroll (1972) is an arch-fi book by Donovan Joyce.


“A time bomb for Christianity?” The author, an Australian radio-producer and writer, claimed that an anonymous and corrupt archaeologist asked him to smuggle out of Israel a scroll allegedly written by Jesus and found in Masada, but that the scroll was taken from him at Tel Aviv Airport by Israeli Security personnel and that it then probably disappeared into the Vatican Archives. The scroll proved that Jesus survived the crucifixion, was present during the Roman siege of Masada, and he had married Mary Magdalene and fathered a child with her. Published in Sydney, London and New York, Joyce’s masterpiece of fantastic archaeology was a smashing success and an inspiration to many similar works, notably by Michael Baigent.


Published in Sydney, Australia: 1972.

Table of contents

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