The Illustrious History of Women; or, A Compendium of the Many Virtues that Adorn the Fair Sex (1686 Shirley), book
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The Illustrious History of Women; or, A Compendium of the Many Virtues that Adorn the Fair Sex (1686) is a book by John Shirley.
"Represented not only in lively and pathetical discourses grounded upon reason, but in sundry rare examples of virtuous love, piety, prudence, modesty, chastity, patience, hnmility [sic], temperance, conduct, constancy, and firmness of mind ... : with the prophesies and predictions of the Sybils ... : the whole work enrich'd and intermix'd with curious poetry and delicate fancie sutable to so charming a subject.."
Published in London [England]: Printed for John Harris, 1686.
- Manuela D’Amore, and Michèle Lardy, Essays in Defence of the Female Sex: Custom, Education and Authority in Seventeenth-Century England (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012).