The Emergence of Islam: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective (2012 Reynolds), book

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<bibexternal title="The Emergence of Islam: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective " author="Reynolds"/>

The Emergence of Islam: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective (2012) is a book by Gabriel Said Reynolds.


"Gabriel Said Reynolds tells the story of Islam in this brief illustrated survey, beginning with Muhammad's early life and rise to power, then tracing the origins and development of the Quran juxtaposed with biblical literature, and concluding with an overview of modern and fundamentalist narratives of the origin of Islam. Reynolds offers a fascinating look at the structure and meaning of the Qur'an, revealing the ways in which biblical language is used to advance the Qur'an's religious meaning. Reynolds' analysis identifies the motives that shaped each narrative Islamic, Jewish, and Christian. The book's conclusion yields a rich understanding of diverse interpretations of Islam's emergence, suggesting that its emergence is itself ever-developing" -- Publisher description.

"This brief survey text tells the story of Islam. Gabriel Said Reynolds organizes his study in three parts, beginning with Muhammad's early life and rise to power, showing the origins and development of the Qur an with a distinctive, if unique, juxtaposition between the Qur'an and biblical literature, and concluding with an overview of modern and fundamentalist narratives of Islam's origin, which reveals how those who represent Islam's future begin by shaping its past. Reynolds's narrative of Islam's founding traces Muhammad's life in Mecca and Medina as well as the first four caliphs whose history illustrates the differences between Sunni and Shi ite views of Islam. His fascinating look at the structure and meaning of the Qur'an and its use of biblical language helps to illustrate and clarify its religious meaning. The book yields a rich understanding of diverse interpretations of Islam's emergence, suggesting that its emergence is itself ever-developing. The book provides a variety of helpful pedagogy, including chapter summaries, questions for review and discussion, photos, maps, suggested readings, glossary, and timeline."--Publisher description.

Editions and translations

Published in Minneapolis, MN [USA]: Fortress, 2012.

Table of contents

  • Part 1. The Prophet Muhammad and the rightly guided caliphs. Introduction to part 1 : historical overview -- Muhammad in Mecca -- Muhammad in Medina -- The birth of an empire
  • Part 2. The Quran. Introduction to part 2 : history and literature -- The Quran and its message -- The Quran and the Bible -- Rethinking the biography of the Prophet -- The historical context of the Quran
  • Part 3. Contemporary perspectives. Introduction to part 3 : classical texts and contemporary religion -- Contemporary Muslim narratives of Islam's emergence.

External links