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- The '''Dead Sea Scrolls & Christian Origins Library''' (1998-) is a book series, published by [[BIBAL]] (N. Richland Hills, TX). ==Books in the series==994 bytes (119 words) - 12:44, 22 February 2010
- ...OT Press]] between 1988 and 2003. In 2004 the series was replaced by the [[Library of Second Temple Studies]] (2004-), published by [[T&T Clark]]. The series included volumes dealing with the study of The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.4 KB (499 words) - 08:27, 16 September 2012
- ...t Series]] (1988-2003), published by [[Sheffield Academic]]. Currently the series is edited by [[Lester L. Grabbe]]. ==Books in the series==5 KB (651 words) - 04:19, 25 July 2018
- ...] by [[Sheffield Academic Press]]. The series was renamed [[Library of New Testament Studies]] in 2005, when it was taken by [[T&T Clark]]. ...complement its associated journal, the [[Journal for the Study of the New Testament]].8 KB (555 words) - 09:10, 10 May 2016
- ...In addition, pastors and church professionals will want to add it to their library."--Publisher description. Published in New York, NY: Paulist Press, 2000 ([[WATSA, What Are They Saying About]]).2 KB (220 words) - 09:15, 12 February 2014
- ...hester as curator of the Arabic manuscripts collection. In the 1920s, in a series of trips in the Middle East, Mingana was able to collect a large number of *[[William Baird]], in [[History of New Testament Research: 2. From Jonathan Edwards to Rudolf Bultmann (2003 Baird), book]]2 KB (206 words) - 09:11, 16 May 2015
- ...istemological ideas in the Philonic library, one in each of his exegetical series of writings. Philonic discourses on mystery initiation and divine inspirati ...ermany]]: Mohr Siebeck, 2015 ([[Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament]], 2:405).2 KB (218 words) - 07:49, 24 July 2018
- <bibexternal title="Proverbs: A New Approach" author="McKane"/> '''Proverbs: A New Approach''' (1972) is a book by [[William McKane]].2 KB (259 words) - 09:19, 22 May 2016
- [[M. Eugene Boring]], '''Mark''' ([[New Testament Library]]; Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press, 2006). ...ament, as well as classic volumes of scholarship. The commentaries in this series provide fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts,6 KB (984 words) - 18:14, 8 November 2019
- ...udaica, Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art (2004-), Advisory Board, The Posner Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, Volume II (2004-). ...t Lund University, October 14-17, 2001, Coniectanea Biblica. New Testament Series, 39, Stockholm, (Olsson, Zetterholm 2003), edited volume4 KB (616 words) - 04:44, 30 April 2011
- ...udah ''' is a book series published since 1957 by [[Brill]]. Currently the series is edited by [[Florentino García Martínez]], with [[Peter W. Flint]] and The series includes "scholarly translation and evaluation of Biblical texts from the p19 KB (2,510 words) - 19:21, 16 October 2019
- ...ider the gospel of Matthew to be one of the most "Jewish" texts of the New Testament. Luke-Acts, on the other hand, has traditionally been viewed as a very "Gre :''Series'' : WUNT, 2:355.14 KB (2,055 words) - 18:28, 7 December 2021
- ...Hellenistic Contexts''' (2015) is the topic of the fifth conference in the series of [[Nangeroni Meetings]] organised by the [[Enoch Seminar]] in Naples, Ita *The historical palace of the Library of Humanities at the University of Naples Federico II.11 KB (1,532 words) - 18:24, 7 August 2017
- ...rly Jewish and Early Christian Literature''' (2011) is a conference in the series of [[International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books]], chaired by [ ...ed from the idea of an autonomous "state within a state" to a more general series of rights and privileges from among the Greek-speaking Hellenes who were es19 KB (3,115 words) - 10:20, 3 June 2013
- ...Enoch Seminar]]. In 2006 he launched the [[Enoch Graduate Seminar]]. These series of international Seminars on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins ha and Islamic Origins, the so-called [[Nangeroni Meetings]], as well as a series of receptions at the annual American Meetings of the SBL.106 KB (14,276 words) - 08:20, 5 February 2025
- ...recent Ph.D.'s organized by the [[Enoch Seminar]], as part of the ongoing series of meetings of the [[Enoch Graduate Seminar]] (since 2006) ...rsions of the best papers will be collected and published in the T&T Clark series "Jewish and Christian Texts in Contexts." Finally, a portion of the travel53 KB (8,169 words) - 08:40, 26 July 2016
- ...lic conference (in streaming, for a wider audience) followed by Q&A, but a series of ten workshops among invited specialists. Each session will include three ...of an issue that has been “chewed over” for a long time. We seek, instead, new ideas, theses, or approaches. A statement of a major issue or question that101 KB (15,969 words) - 05:45, 3 July 2020