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  • The '''Dead Sea Scrolls & Christian Origins Library''' (1998-) is a book series, published by [[BIBAL]] (N. Richland Hills, TX). ==Books in the series==
    994 bytes (119 words) - 11:44, 22 February 2010
  • ...OT Press]] between 1988 and 2003. In 2004 the series was replaced by the [[Library of Second Temple Studies]] (2004-), published by [[T&T Clark]]. The series included volumes dealing with the study of The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.
    4 KB (499 words) - 07:27, 16 September 2012
  • ...t Series]] (1988-2003), published by [[Sheffield Academic]]. Currently the series is edited by [[Lester L. Grabbe]]. ==Books in the series==
    5 KB (651 words) - 03:19, 25 July 2018
  • ...] by [[Sheffield Academic Press]]. The series was renamed [[Library of New Testament Studies]] in 2005, when it was taken by [[T&T Clark]]. ...complement its associated journal, the [[Journal for the Study of the New Testament]].
    8 KB (555 words) - 08:10, 10 May 2016
  • ...In addition, pastors and church professionals will want to add it to their library."--Publisher description. Published in New York, NY: Paulist Press, 2000 ([[WATSA, What Are They Saying About]]).
    2 KB (220 words) - 08:15, 12 February 2014
  • ...hester as curator of the Arabic manuscripts collection. In the 1920s, in a series of trips in the Middle East, Mingana was able to collect a large number of *[[William Baird]], in [[History of New Testament Research: 2. From Jonathan Edwards to Rudolf Bultmann (2003 Baird), book]]
    2 KB (206 words) - 08:11, 16 May 2015
  • ...istemological ideas in the Philonic library, one in each of his exegetical series of writings. Philonic discourses on mystery initiation and divine inspirati ...ermany]]: Mohr Siebeck, 2015 ([[Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament]], 2:405).
    2 KB (218 words) - 06:49, 24 July 2018
  • <bibexternal title="Proverbs: A New Approach" author="McKane"/> '''Proverbs: A New Approach''' (1972) is a book by [[William McKane]].
    2 KB (259 words) - 08:19, 22 May 2016
  • [[M. Eugene Boring]], '''Mark''' ([[New Testament Library]]; Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press, 2006). ...ament, as well as classic volumes of scholarship. The commentaries in this series provide fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts,
    6 KB (984 words) - 17:14, 8 November 2019
  • ...udaica, Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art (2004-), Advisory Board, The Posner Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, Volume II (2004-). ...t Lund University, October 14-17, 2001, Coniectanea Biblica. New Testament Series, 39, Stockholm, (Olsson, Zetterholm 2003), edited volume
    4 KB (616 words) - 03:44, 30 April 2011
  • ...udah ''' is a book series published since 1957 by [[Brill]]. Currently the series is edited by [[Florentino García Martínez]], with [[Peter W. Flint]] and The series includes "scholarly translation and evaluation of Biblical texts from the p
    19 KB (2,510 words) - 18:21, 16 October 2019
  • ...ider the gospel of Matthew to be one of the most "Jewish" texts of the New Testament. Luke-Acts, on the other hand, has traditionally been viewed as a very "Gre :''Series'' : WUNT, 2:355.
    14 KB (2,055 words) - 17:28, 7 December 2021
  • ...Hellenistic Contexts''' (2015) is the topic of the fifth conference in the series of [[Nangeroni Meetings]] organised by the [[Enoch Seminar]] in Naples, Ita *The historical palace of the Library of Humanities at the University of Naples Federico II.
    11 KB (1,532 words) - 17:24, 7 August 2017
  • ...rly Jewish and Early Christian Literature''' (2011) is a conference in the series of [[International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books]], chaired by [ ...ed from the idea of an autonomous "state within a state" to a more general series of rights and privileges from among the Greek-speaking Hellenes who were es
    19 KB (3,115 words) - 09:20, 3 June 2013
  • ...Enoch Seminar]]. In 2006 he launched the [[Enoch Graduate Seminar]]. These series of international Seminars on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins ha and Islamic Origins, the so-called [[Nangeroni Meetings]], as well as a series of receptions at the annual American Meetings of the SBL.
    105 KB (14,223 words) - 10:05, 17 October 2024
  • ...recent Ph.D.'s organized by the [[Enoch Seminar]], as part of the ongoing series of meetings of the [[Enoch Graduate Seminar]] (since 2006) ...rsions of the best papers will be collected and published in the T&T Clark series "Jewish and Christian Texts in Contexts." Finally, a portion of the travel
    53 KB (8,169 words) - 07:40, 26 July 2016
  • ...lic conference (in streaming, for a wider audience) followed by Q&A, but a series of ten workshops among invited specialists. Each session will include three ...of an issue that has been “chewed over” for a long time. We seek, instead, new ideas, theses, or approaches. A statement of a major issue or question that
    101 KB (15,969 words) - 04:45, 3 July 2020