Mark ~ New Testament Library (2006 Boring), book

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M. Eugene Boring, Mark (New Testament Library; Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press, 2006).


"The first New Testament Library volume to focus on a Gospel, this commentary offers a careful reading of the book of Mark. Internationally respected interpreter M. Eugene Boring brings a lifetime of research into the Gospels and Jesus into this lively discussion of the first Gospel ... The New Testament Library offers authoritative commentary on every book and major aspect of the New Testament, as well as classic volumes of scholarship. The commentaries in this series provide fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts, offer critical portrayals of the historical world in which the books were created, pay careful attention to their literary design, and present a theologically perceptive exposition of the text."--Publisher description.


1.; Story --; 2.; Structure --; 3.; Genre --; 4.; Sources --; 5.; Date --; 6.; Provenance --; 7.; Author --; 8.; Purpose --; 9.; Text and Transmission --; 10.; Language, Translation, and Interpretation --; 1:1-15 Title and Prologue --; 1:1 The Author's Title --; 1:2-15 The Markan Prologue --; 1:2-3 Transcendent Prelude: The Messenger, the Lord, and the Way --; Excursus: The Way --; 1:4-8 John the Baptizer: Preaching and Baptizing in the Wilderness --; 1:9-15 Jesus of Nazareth: Baptized, Tested in the Wilderness, and Preaching --; 1:9-11 Baptism: God Reveals Jesus as His Son and Empowers Him with the Spirit --; 1:12-13 Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness --; 1:14-15 Ministry in Galilee --; Excursus: Kingdom of God --; Part 1.; Galilee 1:16-8:21 --; 1:16-3:35 Authority, Rejection, and the New Community --; 1:16-3:6 Acting with Authority --; 1:16-20 The Call of the Disciples --; 1:21-34 The Day of the Lord --; 1:35-39 Ministry in All Galilee --; 1:40-45 The Cleansing of the Leper --; 2:1-3:6 Authority and Conflict --; 2:1-12 Healing and Forgiveness --; 2:13-17 Calling Sinners and Eating with Them --; 2:18-22 Now and Later; Old and New --; 2:23-28 Keeping the Sabbath Holy: Jesus Challenged and Warned --; 3:1-6 Keeping the Sabbath Holy: Jesus Persists and Is Condemned --; 3:7-12 International Multitudes, the Sick, and the Demonized and Jesus' Response --; 3:13-19 The Choosing of the Twelve --; 3:20-35 God's Kingdom and Family --; 4:1-34 Central Discourse of Part 1: Parables and Mystery of the Kingdom of God --; 4:1-2 The Markan Setting --; 4:3-9 Seed Parable 1: "The Sower" --; 4:10-12 The Markan "Parable Theory" -First Statement --; 4:13-20 Interpretation of "The Sower" --; 4:21-25 Markan "Parable Theory" -Second Statement: "Parables about Parables" --; 4:26-29 Seed Parable 2: "The Seed Growing Secretly" --; 4:30-32 Seed Parable 3: "The Mustard Seed."; 4:33-34 The Markan "Parable Theory" -Third Statement --; 4:35-8:21 Crossing Borders --; 4:35-41 Stilling the Storm --; 5:1-20 The Gerasene Demoniac --; 5:21-43 Jairus's Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage --; 6:1-6a Jesus Is Rejected at Nazareth --; 6:6b-30 Mission of the Twelve and the Death of John the Baptist --; Excursus: Crowds, Followers, Disciples, and the Twelve --; 6:31-14 Five Thousand Are Fed --; 6:45-52 The Walking on the Sea --; 6:53-56 Healings at Gennesaret --; Excursus: Miracle Stories in Mark --; Amount and Distribution --; Event and Interpretation --; Pre-Markan Tradition and Interpretation --; Markan Interpretation --; 7:1-23 Defilement-Traditional and Real --; Excursus: Jesus the Teacher versus the Scribes --; 7:24-30 The Syrophoenician Woman --; 7:31-37 Jesus Heals a Man Who Was Deaf and Impaired in Speech --; 8:1-9 Four Thousand Are Fed --; 8:10-13 No Sign Whatsoever --; 8:14-21 The Leaven of the Pharisees and the Unleavened Bread of Jesus --; "Way": Galilee to Jerusalem 8:22-10:52 --; From Blindness to Sight --; 8:22-26 A Blind Man Is Healed at Bethsaida --; 8:27-9:1 Christology, Discipleship, and First Passion Prediction --; Excursus: Markan Christology --; Titles, Designations, and Images --; Titular Christology: Summary --; Narrative Christology: Summary --; 9:2-13 The Transfiguration and Discussion about Elijah --; Excursus: The Messianic Secret --; 9:14-29 Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by a Spirit --; 9:30-32 Jesus Foretells His Passion Again --; 9.33-50 The Meaning of Discipleship, Second Version --; 10:1-31 Discipleship, Family, Society --; 10:1-12 Discipleship, Marriage, and Divorce --; 10:13-16 Discipleship and Children --; 10:17-31 Discipleship, Property, and Family --; 10:32-45 The Third Prediction of the Passion and the Argument about Precedence among the Disciples --; 10:46-52 Blind Bartimaeus Healed at Jericho.; Part 2.; Jerusalem 11:1-15:47 --; Temple, Confrontation, and Death --; 11:1-13:4 The Lord Comes to His Temple --; 11:1-11 The Veiled Messianic Procession --; 11:12-25 Barren Temple, Withered Fig Tree, and a House of Prayer for All People --; 11:27-33 The Question about Authority --; 12:1-12 Those Responsible for the Lord's Vineyard Reject the Son, Who Is Vindicated by God --; 12:13-17 The Question about Taxes Paid to a Pagan Government --; 12:18-27 The Question about the Resurrection --; 12:28-34 The Question about the Great Commandment --; 12:35-37 Is David's Lord the "Son of David"? --; 12:38-40 Woe to the Scribes --; 12:41-44 True Piety in Contrast to False --; 13:1-4 Leaving the Temple; Its Coming Destruction --; 13:5-37 Central Discourse of Part 2: Historical Troubles and the Coming of the Son of Man --; Interpreting the Apocalyptic Discourse --; 13:5-23 I. The End Is Not Yet --; 13:24-27 II. The End Will Come --; 13:28-37 III. When? --; 14:1-15:47 Trial and Death --; 14:1-11 Betrayal and Anointing --; 14:12-25 Passover and Eucharist --; 14:26-31 Predictions of Suffering and Scattering, Resurrection and Regathering --; 14:32-52 Jesus Prays, Is Arrested; Disciples Sleep, Abandon Him --; Excursus: Mark and the Scriptures --; 14:53-72 Trial before the Sanhedrin: Jesus' Confession and Peter's Denial --; 15:1-15 Trial before Pilate --; 15:16-39 Jesus Is Mocked and Crucified --; 15:40-47 Jesus Is Buried --; 16:1-8 Epilogue: Resurrection and Mission: Back to Galilee --; Alternative Endings.

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