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Page title matches
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:Latin language]]82 bytes (8 words) - 03:17, 30 March 2012
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:Latin language--1450s]]45 bytes (5 words) - 15:44, 6 December 2015
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:Latin language--1500s]] [[Category:Latin language|1500]]79 bytes (8 words) - 08:21, 17 April 2015
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:Fiction--Latin]] [[Category:Latin language|-]]98 bytes (10 words) - 03:30, 17 May 2017
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:Enochic Studies--Latin]] [[Category:Enochic Studies|*Latin]]129 bytes (13 words) - 02:27, 14 May 2017
- #REDIRECT [[Category:Early Islamic Studies--Latin]] [[Category:Early Islamic Studies|*Latin]]145 bytes (16 words) - 02:59, 14 May 2017
Page text matches
- Text with Latin translation of the [[War Scroll]] "in usum scholarum pro manuscripto ... Tr [[Category:Latin language--1960s|1960 Boccaccio]]782 bytes (90 words) - 21:50, 31 December 2019
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:Latin language--1500s]] [[Category:Latin language|1500]]79 bytes (8 words) - 08:21, 17 April 2015
- [[Category:Latin language--1960s|1967 Brock]] [[Category:OT Pseudepigrapha Studies--Latin|1967 Brock]]1 KB (109 words) - 04:29, 2 August 2018
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:Fiction--Latin]] [[Category:Latin language|-]]98 bytes (10 words) - 03:30, 17 May 2017
- The first Latin translation of the New Testament, based on the Greek text, after Jerome. [[Category:Latin language--1450s|1454 Manetti]]752 bytes (83 words) - 06:21, 31 December 2019
- ''Editio princeps'' of the Latin text of the [[Hegesippus]]. [[Category:Latin language--1500s|1510 Lefevre]]812 bytes (88 words) - 09:57, 23 December 2019
- '''Vetus Testamentum secundum LXX Latine redditum''' <Latin> / ''The Latin Old Testament according to the Septuagint'' (1588) is a book by [[Flaminio ...patched up by Plaminius Nobilius and others from the fragments of the Old Latin, and consists of quotations from the Fathers with the gaps filled up by the1 KB (149 words) - 10:47, 23 December 2019
- Latin text of Josephus' Works. [[Category:Latin language--1500s|1513 Goullet]]1 KB (108 words) - 09:58, 23 December 2019
- ...ords of Saint Paul (1964) is an oratorio by [[Luigi Dallapiccola]] (mus.). Latin words, from Paul's 1st letter to the Corinthians, [[Category:Italian language--1960s|1964 Dallapiccola]]954 bytes (95 words) - 17:21, 28 November 2015
- [[Category:Latin language| ]]1 KB (129 words) - 04:27, 18 May 2016
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:Enochic Studies--Latin]] [[Category:Enochic Studies|*Latin]]129 bytes (13 words) - 02:27, 14 May 2017
- Edition of Rufinus' Latin translation of Josephus' [[Bellum Iudaicum]]. [[Category:Latin language--1450s|1475 Sacchi]]1 KB (113 words) - 06:37, 31 December 2019
- Edition of Rufinus' Latin translation of Josephus' works. [[Category:Latin language--1450s|1481 Squarciafico]]1 KB (112 words) - 06:45, 31 December 2019
- Critical edition of the Latin text of the [[Hegesippus]]. [[Category:Latin language--1930s|1932 Ussani]]578 bytes (59 words) - 14:30, 15 May 2016
- Edition of the Latin text of the [[Hegesippus]]. [[Category:Latin language--1850s|1857 Weber]]582 bytes (64 words) - 13:11, 15 May 2016
- Latin translation of John Chrysostom's Homelies on the [[Gospel of John]]. [[Category:Latin language--1450s|1470 Griffolini]]743 bytes (77 words) - 15:14, 23 December 2019
- '''Epistolae Pauli et aliorum Apostolorum''' <Latin> / ''The Letters of Paul and Other Apostles'' (1531) is a book by [[Tommaso [[Category:Latin language--1500s|1531 De Vio]]847 bytes (102 words) - 10:24, 23 December 2019
- A translation of the text of the [[Septuagint]] into Latin. [[Category:Latin language--1500s|1526 Cratander]]825 bytes (83 words) - 07:44, 14 October 2019
- Edition of the Latin text of Josephus' [[Antiquitates Iudaicae]] and [[Bellum Iudaicum]]. [[Category:Latin language--1450s|1475 Brandis]]1 KB (146 words) - 09:25, 23 December 2019
- Greek and Latin text of [[Josephus' Works]], in parallel columns. [[Category:Latin language--1700|1726 Havercamp]]2 KB (173 words) - 14:01, 16 July 2017