Category:Latin language--1450s
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""Latin language--1450s
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Pages in category "Latin language--1450s"
The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total.
- (++) Gutenberg Bible (1452-1455 Gutenberg), edited volume
- De pace fidei (On the Peace of Faith / 1453 Cusanus), ms.
- Collatio Novi Testamenti (1453 Valla), ms.
- Novum Testamentum (New Testament / 1454 Manetti), ms.
- Adnotationes in Novum Testamentum (1457 Valla), ms.
- Cribratio Alchorani (Sifting the Koran / 1461 Cusanus), ms.
- Chrysostom: Homiliae super Johannem (1470 Griffolini), book
- (++) De antiquitate Judaica. De bello Judaico (1470 Schüssler), book (ed. princeps - Latin)
- Aristeas ad Philocratem fratrem (1471 Palmerio), book
- De mulieribus claris (Concerning Famous Women / 1473 @1374 Boccaccio), novel (ed. princeps)
- De antiquitate Judaica. De bello Judaico (1475-76 Brandis), book
- De Bello Judaico (Jewish War / 1475 Sacchi, Pannartz), book
- Super libros Sapientiae (14th century, Holkot; 1481 ed.), book
- Josephi opera (1481 Squarciafico), book
- Pseudo-Seneca. Octavia (1484 Gallicus), play (ed. princeps)
- Conclusiones philosophicae, cabalisticae et theologicae (1486 Pico della Mirandola), book
- Oratio de hominis dignitate (Oration on the Dignity of Man / 1486 Pico della Mirandola), book (Latin)
- Commentarius in legem Mosis (1486 Moncada) = פירוש על התורה (Commentary on the Torah / early 14th cent. Recanati), ms. (Latin ed.) (lost)
- Epistula Enoch (1490 Lazzarelli), vision (Latin)
- Augustine: Expositio evangelii secundum Johannem (1491 Amerbach), book (ed. princeps)
- De verbo mirifico (On the Wonder-Working Word / 1494 Reuchlin), book (Latin)