Rushka Swartz / Rose Schindler (F / Slovakia, 1930), Holocaust survivor

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Rushka Swartz / Rose Schindler (F / Slovakia, 1930), Holocaust survivor


Rushka Swartz was born in 1930 in Seredne, Slovakia.

In 1944 the family was deported to Auschwitz. Only Rushka and two older sisters survived. They were sent to Bruntal, where they remained until Liberation.

After the war Rushka and her sister returned to Seredne but after a couple of months decided to leave for Prague.

In March 1946 Rushka joined the Belgicka Children in they way to England. She was taken to Polton House hostel which was a Zionist training farm, in Lasswade, Scotland, nine miles south of Edinburgh. She then move to Bedford hostel, where she met fellow child survivor Max Schindler. They married in 1950 and the year after emigrated to the United States.

USHMM Oral Interview

Rose Schindler discusses her experiences at Auschwitz beginning in 1944; the help she received from her two sisters and their efforts to survive; conditions in the camp, including the food, the crowding, and the ways that she maintained hope; returning to her home town in Czechoslovakia after liberation and finding no other relatives; traveling to Prague, Czech Republic; and going to a kibbutz in Bedford, England.


  • (Rushka Swartz, 1930) -- YES

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