Rosemarie Koczy (F / Germany, 1939), Holocaust survivor

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2009 Koczy.jpg

Rosemarie Koczy (F / Germany, 1939), Holocaust survivor

  • KEYWORDS : various camps
  • MEMOIRS : I Weave You a Shroud (2009-2013) ==


Koczy was born March 5, 1939, in Recklinghausen, Germany, the eldest daughter of Martha Wusthoff and Karl Koczy. Her parents were both Roman Catholics, however they were ethnically Jews, and as such were subject to Nazi persecution. According to her memoir, Koczy was deported in 1942 at the age of 3, surviving two concentration camps, first at Traunstein (Dachau) and then at Ottenhausen (Struthof).

Remaining at Ottenhausen for several years after its liberation in 1945, she was raised afterwards by her maternal grandparents, her mother briefly and several foster families and orphanages.

In 1959 Koczy left Germany for Geneva, Switzerland. She becam an American citizen in 1989.

She became a famous artist.

Book : I Weave You a Shroud (3 vols.

  • Rosemarie Koczy, I Weave You a Shroud, 3 vols. (New York: QCC Art Gallery, 2009-2013)

The highly anticipated three volume publication of Rosemarie Inge Koczÿ's memoirs. Volume I is now available. The four hundred twenty four page hardcover facsimile of the handwritten translated text into English by her husband, Louis Pelosi. Originally, the series was published in French by Blanche-Marie and Alain Arnéodo, Rosemarie's friends and art collectors. Revealed therein are her earliest memories of a childhood lost. Rosemarie's deepest emotions, and thoughts about her life during and after captivity are described. Most remarkable are her earliest recollections from ages three to five during which she was held as a work slave in the fields and orchards of two different concentration camps.

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