Romi Cohn

From 4 Enoch: : The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, and Christian and Islamic Origins
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Romi Cohn / Avraham Hakohen Cohn (M / Slovakia, 1929-2020), Holocaust survivor.


Avraham Hakohen Cohn was born on March 10, 1929 in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. He was one of seven children.

During World War II, Cohn's family managed to sneak him into Hungary, while his mother, as well as two of his brothers and two of his sisters died in camps. In Hungary, Cohn studied in a Hasidic yeshiva until 1944 when the Nazis occupied the country. At that point, at the age of 15, he escaped back into Slovakia and joined a partisan brigade fighting the Nazis. As a partisan, he provided Jewish refugees with housing and false Christian identifications.

After the war, Cohn emigrated to the U.S. He worked as as a real estate developer, and became a rabbi and mohel.

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