Quo Vadis? (1908 Nouguès / Cain), opera (music & libretto)

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Quo Vadis? <French> (1908) is an opera by Jean Nouguès (mus.).

~ Libretto by Henri Cain (1859-1937), after Quo Vadis? (1895 Sienkiewicz), novel.


"Opéra en 5 actes et 6 tableaux d'après le roman de Henryk Sienkiewicz." Now virtually forgotten, this French musical adaptation of the 1895 novel by Sienkiewicz was very popular in its time, being widely performed all around Europe and the United States. Sienkiewicz himself saw the opera in Vienna.


Published in Paris, France: Astruc, 1908. Translated into Italian (1908), German (1910), and English (1911).

Performance history

Premiered in Nice, France: 1909.

External links