Pintǎ Mühlstein / Imanuel Mühlstein (M / Czechia, 1929-1944), Holocaust victim

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1944 Brundibar.jpg

Pintǎ Mühlstein / Imanuel Mühlstein (M / Czechia, 1929-1944), Holocaust victim

Maria Mühlstein (F / Czechia, 1932-1944), Holocaust victim


Imanuel (Emanuel) "Pintǎ" Mühlstein was born on 22 July 1929. He was deported to Terezin from Prague on 17 December 1941, together with his mother (Margit Mühlstein, 1897-1944) and younger brother (Eliahu Gabriel Mühlstein, 1930-1944) and sister (Maria Mühlstein, 1932-1944). The father (Viktor Mühlstein, 1892-1934) had passed away a few years earlier.

In Teresin, Pintǎ Mühlstein distinguished himself as one of the leading young intellectuals of the camp. With Petr Ginz and Hanuš Hachenburg, with whom he shared the same room (Home No. 1, building L417), he was one of the editors of the journal Vedem and author of poems and articles, mostly of music criticism. He was considered one of the more talented young vocalists in the camp: he is best known for playing the role of Pepiček in the camp performances of Brundibar. His sister Maria Mühlstein also was part of the main cast.

Pintǎ Mühlstein was deported with his entire family from Terezin to Auschwitz on 16 October 1944. They did not survive.

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