Not the End of the World (2004 McCaughrean), juvenile novel

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Not the End of the World (2004) is a novel by Geraldine McCaughrean.


Juvenile audience (Young Adult). -- International Bestseller -- Winner of the Whitbred Children's Book Award -- Whitbread Children's Book of the Year, 2004.

"Noah's daughter, daughters-in-law, sons, wife, and the animals describe what it was like to be aboard the ark while they watched everyone around them drown. His younger children defy their father's orders and rescue a little boy and a baby, knowing that they risk their own lives by doing so."--Publisher description.


Published in Oxford [England]: Oxford University Press, 2004.


  • Also translated in Catalan (2005), Slovenian (2006), Swedish (2008), Serbian (2008), and Korean (2011).

External links

  • [ Google Books]