Category:NT Apocrypha Studies--2000s
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Pages in category "NT Apocrypha Studies--2000s"
The following 39 pages are in this category, out of 39 total.
- The Apocryphal Acts of Andrew (2000 Bremmer), edited volume
- L'Evangile de Marie: évangile copte du IIe siècle (2000 Leloup), book
- Textos gnósticos. Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi, III: Apocalipsis y otros escritos (2000 Piñero Sáenz/García Bazán/Montserrat Torrents), edited volume
- 四福音與經外平行經文合參 (Synopsis of the Four Gospels / 2000 Wong), book
- The Apocryphal Acts of Thomas (2001 Bremmer), edited volume
- Voices of the Mystics: Early Christian Discourse in the Gospels of John and Thomas (2001 De Conick), book
- The Lost Bible (2001 Porter), book
- Thomas and Tatian: The Relationship between the Gospel of Thomas and the Diatessaron (2002 Perrin), book
- El documento Q en griego y en español, con paralelos del evangelio de Marcos y del evangelio de Tomás (2002 Robinson/Hoffmann/Kloppenborg / Guijarro/Miquel), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il vangelo di Pietro (Gospel of Peter / 2002 Mara), book
- Thomas: Seeking the Historical Context of the Gospel of Thomas (2003 Uro), book
- Das Petrusevangelium und die Petrusapokalypse (The Gospel and the Apocalypse of Peter / 2004 Kraus, Nicklas), book
- The Gospels of Mary: The Secret Tradition of Mary Magdalene (2004 Meyer, Boer), book
- Das Ende der Erbsünde: ein spiritueller Führer ins Urchristentum des Apostel Thomas (2004 Miller), book (German ed.)
- The Gospel of Thomas: A Guidebook for Spiritual Practice (2004 Miller), book
- Le parole dimenticate di Gesù (The Forgotten Words of Jesus / 2004 Pesce), book
- Die verworfenen Schriften = The Lost Bible (2004 Porter), book (German ed.)
- Recovering the Original Gospel of Thomas (2005 De Conick), book
- Ancient Texts for New Testament Studies (2005 Evans), book
- (+) The Gnostic Discoveries: The Impact of the Nag Hammadi Library (2005 Meyer), book
- (+) The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus (2005 Meyer), book
- Hechos apócrifos de los Apóstoles: Texto multilingüe, edición crítica, introducción y notas (2004-2005 Piñero Sáenz-del Cerro Calderón), book
- Thomasine Traditions in Antiquity (2006 Ásgeirsson / De Conick / Uro), edited volume
- The Original Gospel of Thomas in Translation (2006 De Conick), book
- The Beloved Disciple in Conflict?: Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas (2006 Dunderberg), book
- A Feminist Companion to the New Testament Apocrypha (2006 Levine, Robbins), edited volume
- Τά ἀπόκρυφα εὐαγγέλια καί ὁ σχηματισμός τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης (2006 Riginiotis), book
- Das Evangelium nach Petrus (Gospel of Peter / 2007 Kraus, Nicklas), edited volume
- Jesús: La vida oculta según los evangelios rechazados por la Iglesia (2007 Piñero Sáenz), book
- Das Thomasevangelium (2008 Frey / Popkes / Schröter), edited volume
- La Biblia rechazada por la Iglesia (2008 Piñero Sáenz), book
- Los evangelios apócrifos (2008 Puig i Tàrrech), book
- Un Jesús desconocido: las claves de evangelio gnóstico de Tomás (2008 Puig i Tàrrech), book
- Los evangelios apócrifos: origen, carácter, valor (2008 Tragán), edited volume
- La infancia de Jesús/Jesus' Childhood: Texto bilingüe del Evangelio apócrifo del Pseudo-Tomás/Bilingual Text of the Apocryphal Gospel of Pseudo-Thomas (2009 Aasgaard), book (Spanish ed.)
- Un altro Gesù? I vangeli apocrifi, il Gesù storico e il cristianesimo delle origini (2009 Guida, Norelli), edited volume
- Todos los evangelios, canónicos y apócrifos (2009 Piñero Sáenz), edited volume
- A Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas: From Interpretations to the Interpreted (2009 Pokorný), book
- El evangelio de Pedro (Gospel of Peter / 2015 Edo), book
Media in category "NT Apocrypha Studies--2000s"
The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.
- 2002-T Leloup en.jpg 400 × 599; 39 KB
- 2003 * Ehrman 2.jpg 262 × 400; 37 KB
- 2003 * Ehrman.jpg 990 × 1,500; 121 KB
- 2003 * Pagels.jpg 324 × 499; 41 KB