Maria de Agreda (F / Spain, 1602-1665), visionary
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Maria de Agreda (María de Ágreda; 1602-1665) was a Spanish visionary. Maria Coronel was born April 2, 1602 at Agreda [Spain]. Maria grew up in a family that was much influenced by the ecstatic piety of Spain in that age. In 1619 she entered the local Franciscan convent, of which she was made abbess at the age of only twenty-five, until her death. Under her leadership, the convent of Agrega established itself as one the centers of Spanish spirituality in the 17th century. Her visionary work arouse great controversy so much so that her work was initially condemned by the Inquisition in 1681, but eventually approved in 1729. Maria de Agreda died on May 24, 1665.