L'"humanite de l'autre homme" dans la pensée juive ancienne (2004 Berthelot), book

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<bibexternal title="L'humanite de l'autre homme dans la pensée juive ancienne " author="Katell Berthelot"/>

L'"humanite de l'autre homme" dans la pensée juive ancienne (2004) is a book by Katell Berthelot.


"his book analyzes how humanism was conceived of in different philosophical schools during the Hellenistic and early Roman period, and how these ideas were debated in ancient Jewish thought. The term humanism refers to the idea that every person has duties towards his/her fellow human beings, for the sole reason that they all share a common nature or are bound by a form of kinship. The book also tries to determine to which extent Gen 1:26-27 (creation of human beings in God's image) and Lev 19:18 (the commandment to love one's neighbour, who is like oneself) could be interpreted in a humanistic way by ancient Jewish writers."--Publisher description.


Published in Leiden: Brill, 2004 (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 87).

Table of contents

External links

  • [ Google Books]