Issac Einhorn

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Issac Einhorn (M / Romania, 1927), Holocaust survivor.


Born in Baia Mare to a religious family. After completing his primary education in a cheder, he started working as a printer’s apprentice. Following the German occupation in 1944, he was transported with his parents to Auschwitz, whence he was immediate transported to Mauthausen, there receiving prisoner number 73414. He was further transported for forced labor at the Melk subcamp. In April 1945, he was forced on a death march to Ebensee, where he was liberated. Einhorn returned to his hometown, where he was reunited with his brother, who had also survived. Their parents had been murdered at Auschwitz. In 1947, he embarked on the illegal immigration ship Mordei Hagetaot, which was intercepted by the British, and he was interned in a detention camp in Cyprus. In 1948, he immigrated to Israel, enlisted in the IDF and fought in the battles at Negba. He started painting after his retiring from his work in a printshop.

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