First Enoch Colloquium (2017 Harvard), conference

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The Poster
Giovanni Bazzana
Gabriele Boccaccini

The Sense(s) of History. Apocalyptic Literature and Its Temporalities

Harvard Divinity School – 1st Enoch Colloquium, 16-18 November 2017

[Participation is by invitation only. Papers will be circulated in advance]

Thursday, November 16, 2017 - Braun room, HDS)

12:30 PM Arrivals and reception

2:00 PM-2:30 PM Welcoming remarks from Giovanni B. Bazzana (HDS) and Gabriele Boccaccini (Enoch seminar)

2:30 PM- 4:00 PM Papers Giovanni B. Bazzana (Harvard University), “The Sense(s) of History in Ancient Apocalyptic Literature: Interdisciplinary Perspectives” Paul J. Kosmin (Harvard University), “Altneuland” Chair: Gabriele Boccaccini (Enoch seminar)

4:30 PM-6:30 PM Public lecture (Sperry room) Charles Stewart (University College London), “The Varieties of Historical Experience”

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Reception for the panelists (Rabinowitz)

Friday, Novembe 17, 2017 - Braun room, HDS

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Yvona Trnka-Amrhein (University of Colorado), “Kings Out of Time: Royal Chronologies between Greco-Egyptian Narrative and Prophecy” Duncan MacRae (UC Berkeley), “Capitoline Pasts, Capitoline Futures: on the Urbanity of Roman Time” Respondent Emma Dench (Harvard University) Chair:

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Judith Newman (University of Toronto), “Sensing the Temporal: On Integrating Embodied Perspectives into the Study of Apocalyptic” Rebecca Scharbach Wollenberg (University of Michigan), “The Changing Apocalypse: Apocalyptic Literature as a Provisional Genre in Early Rabbinic Judaism” Respondent Kelley Coblentz-Bautch (St. Edward’s University) Chair:

Light lunch

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Papers Harry O. Maier (Vancouver School of Theology – Max Weber Center at the University of Erfurt), “Making History with the Shepherd of Hermas” Olivia Stewart Lester (Yale University), “Revealed History as Prophetic Rivalry: John’s Apocalypse and Apollo’s Shrine at Delphi” Mauro Belcastro (University of Turin), “The Advent of the Different: thlipsis, hypomone, elpis and the Temporal Disclosure of Divine Eternity in the Pauline Epistles” Respondent Yonder Gillihan (Boston College) Chair: Roberto Mata (Santa Clara University)

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Papers Loren Stuckenbruck (University of München), "Divine Activity in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature: Focusing on the Recent Past" Lorenzo DiTommaso (Concordia University), “Apocalyptic Historiography” Respondent Matthias Henze (Rice University) Chair: Reed Carlson (Harvard University)

Saturday, November 18, 2017 (somewhere on the SBL grounds)

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Final Panel [open to all SBL members] (chair Gabriele Boccaccini) Concluding reflections on the colloquium (Gabriele Boccaccini, Kelley Bautch, Lorenzo DiTommaso, Michael Stone, Giovanni Bazzana) Presentation of the Festschrift honoring M. Stone

Followad by the Sixth Enoch Seminar Reception