Der babylonische Talmud (The Babylonian Talmud / 1897-35 Goldschmidt), book

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Der babylonische Talmud <German> / The Babylonian Talmud (1897-35) is a 9-volume book by Lazarus Goldschmidt.


This complete German translation of the Babylonian Talmud was the first translation in a modern language. It was based on the edition princeps; see Talmud Bavli (Babylonian Talmud / 1520-23 Bomberg), book.


Published in Berlin, Germany: Calvary (vols. 1-3); Leipzig, Germany: O. Harrassowitz (vols. 4-8); and Haag: M. Nijhoff (vol. 9).

Table of contents

1. Bd. Berakhoth. Misna zeraim. Sabbath -- 2. Bd. Erubin. Pesahim. Seqalim. Joma -- 3. Bd. Sukka. Jom tob. Ros hasana. Tannith. Megilla. Moed qatan. Hagiga. -- 4. Bd. Jabmuth. Kethuboth. Nedarim -- 5. Bd. Nazir. Sota. Gittin. Qiddusin -- 6. Bd. Baba qamma. Baba Mecia. Baba bathra -- 7. Bd. Synhedrin. Makkoth. Sebuoth. Edijoth. Aboda zara. Aboth. Horajoth -- 8. Bd. Zebahim. Menahoth. Hulin.

External links