David Castelli (M / Italy, 1836-1901), scholar

From 4 Enoch: : The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, and Christian and Islamic Origins
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David Castelli (1836-1901) was an Italian-Jewish scholar.

Born and educated at the rabbinical college in Livorno, Italy. From 1857 to 1863 was teacher of Hebrew and Italian in the Jewish schools of his native city; then he became secretary of the Jewish congregation in Pisa, where at the same time he was a private teacher. From January 1876, for 25 years until his death, he taught Hebrew at the Istituto di Studi Superiori Pratici e di Perfezionamento in Florence, Italy. Salvatore Minocchi was among his students. David Castelli translated from the Bible and wrote numerous works on biblical and post-biblical Judaism, focusing on the Second Temple period. He was one of the first Italian Jewish scholars to deal with Christian origins.



