Category:Simon bar Giora (subject)

From 4 Enoch: : The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, and Christian and Islamic Origins
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Simon (Shimon) bar Giora was a Jewish leader and Messiah Claimant during the Jewish War.

< Events : Messiah Claimants -- Jewish War >


Simon bar Giora distinguished himself as a leader of rebellious peasantry in the first years of the Jewish Revolt, where he helped in defeating the advance of the Roman forces in 66 CE by attacking from the north. The Jerusalem authorities however looked with suspicion to his faction and Ananus ben Ananus sent an army against him when his forces began "harassing the rich men's houses" in the southern district of Acrabbene.

Simon took refuge at Masada, until Ananus ben Ananus was killed at Jerusalem by the Zealots. He then began gathering a large army and plundering the countryside, in preparation for attacking Jerusalem. In 69 CE he arrived at Jerusalem, then largely controlled by John of Giscala. The confrontation proved disastrous. Simon soon controlled the whole upper city and some of the lower city, while John held parts of the lower city and the temple's outer court. This internal fighting greatly weakened the Jewish resistance in Jerusalem.

With the fall of Jerusalem Simon escaped into the subterranean passages of the city but was then captured by the Romans and sent captive to Rome. He was displayed during the triumphal parade of Titus and strangled at the end of the day near the Temple of Jupiter at the Tarpeian Rock as customary with defeated kings.

Simon bar Giora in Ancient Sources

Simon bar Giora in Scholarship

Simon bar Giora in Fiction

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