Category:1922, Top Films
-- -- 1922, Top Films -- --
>> Film Studies (1920s) <<
Notable Mention
TO BE SEEN : Häxan / The Toll of the Sea / Nathan der Weise / ...
Additional films
- #18. Dr. Jack (USA 1922 Taylor) <YouTube> -- Country doctor Jack Jackson is called in to treat the Sick-Little-Well-Girl, who has been making Dr. Saulsbourg and his sanitarium very rich, after years of unsuccessful treatment. Starring Harold Lloyd.
- #41. Moran of the Lady Letty (USA 1922) <YouTube> -- A milquetoast young man of society toughens up once he's shanghaied and falls for the captain's tomboy daughter.
- #--. Timothy's Quest (Olcott) <YouTube> -- A charming pastoral about two unwanted children finding acceptance and love, rare cinematic gem based on Kate Douglas Wiggin's novel of the same name.
- I promessi sposi (Bonnard)
- Monte Cristo (Flynn)
- Penrod (Neilan)'
- David Copperfield (Sandberg)
- Lorna Doone (USA 1922) <YouTube> -- In 17th-century England, an outlaw clan kidnaps a young girl, who grows up among them. The farm boy who met her just before the kidnapping eventually rescues her, and they fall in love.
Critical Reception
MUBI, Best Films
-- #1. * Nosferatu (Murnau) -- #2. Häxan (Christensen) -- #3. * Nanook of the North (Flaherty) -- #4. Cops (Cline) -- #5. * Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler> (Lang) -- #6. * Foolish Wives (Stroheim) -- #7. Pay Day (Chaplin) -- #8. The Electric House (Keaton) -- #9. * Phantom (Murnau) -- #10. The Paleface (Keaton)
-- #11. Daydreams -- #12. The Blacksmith -- #13. The Frozen North -- #14. Opus II -- #15. My Wife's Relations -- #16. Danse macabre -- #17. Cinderella (Reiniger) -- #18. Dr. Jack -- #19. The Burning Soil (Murnau) -- #20. Beyond the Rocks (Wood) -- #21. Love One Another (Dreyer) -- #22. * Blood and Sand (Niblo) -- #23. The Three Must-Get-Theres -- #24. Roman of a Fruit Peddler -- #25. Once Upon a Time (Dreyer) -- #26. Love's Crucible -- #27. The Woman from Nowhere -- #28. Manslaughter (DeMille) -- #29. The Loves of Pharaoh (Lubitsch) -- #30. Tess of the Storm Country
-- #31. Man from Beyond -- #32. The Miracle -- #33. The Secret of the Marquise -- #34. Pan -- #35. Fultah Fisher's Boarding House -- #36. Oliver Twist -- #37. Nice and Friendly -- #38. Little Red Riding Hood <short> -- #39. The Toll of the Sea -- #40. The Lighthouse Keepers -- #41. Moran of the Lady Letty -- #42. Sherlock Holmes -- #43. The Sawmill -- #44. The Flying Suitcase -- #45. Secrets of Nature: The White Owl -- #46. Secrets of Nature: The Battle of the Ants -- #47. Secrets of Nature: Fathoms Deep Beneath -- #48. The Pest -- #49. Mud and Sand -- #50. Coster Bill of Paris
Flickchart, Best Films
-- @1. Nosferatu (Murnau) -- @2. Häxan (Christensen) -- @3. Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler> (Lang) -- @4. Nanook of the North (Flaherty) -- @5. Cops (Cline) -- @6. Foolish Wives (Stroheim) -- @7. Robin Hood (Dwan) -- @8. Dr. Jack -- @9. Pay Day (Chaplin) -- @10. The Electric House (Keaton)
-- @11. Grandma's Boy (Lloyd) -- @12. My Wife's Relations (Keaton) -- @13. The Paleface (Keaton) -- @14. The Blacksmith -- @15. Blood and Sand -- @16. Phantom (Murnau) -- @17. Daydreams (Keaton) -- @18. Beyond the Rocks (Wood) -- @19. The Frozen North (Keaton) -- #20. Teh Frogs Who Wanted a King (Starewicz)
-- #21. Monte Cristo (Flynn) -- #22. The Burning Soil (Murnau) -- #24. Cinderella (Reiniger) -- #25. Oliver Twist (Lloyd) -- #26. The Toll of the Sea (Franklin) -- #27. The Prisoner of Zenda (Ingram) -- #28. Sherlock Holmes (Parker) -- #29. Gymnasium Jim (Del Ruth) -- #30. Bright Eyes (Del Ruth)
History of Cinema, Best Films
-- #1. Nosferatu (Murnau) -- #2. Haxan (Christensen) -- #3. Nanook of the North (Flaherty) -- #5. Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler [Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler] (Lang) -- #6. Foolish Wives (Stroheim) -- #7. Pay Day (Chaplin) -- #8. The Electric House (Keaton) -- #9. Phantom (Murnau)
-- #25. Once Upon a Time [Der var engang] (Dreyer) -- #39. The Toll of the Sea (Franklin) -- #22. Blood and Sand (Niblo) -- #18. Dr. Jack (Newmeyer) -- #28. Manslaughter (DeMille) -- #29. The Loves of Pharaoh [Das Weib des Pharao] (Lubitsch) -- ~ Robin Hood (Dwan) -- Felix in the Swim -- The Frogs Who Wanted a King [Les grenouilles qui demandent un roi] (Starewicz)
Silent Era, Best Films
-- #5. Nosferatu -- #31. Nanook of the North -- #34. Witchcraft Through the Ages -- #42. Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler -- #56. Foolish Wives -- #66. Cops (Keaton) -- #78. * Robin Hood -- #85. Tess of the Storm Country
-- #115. Blood and Sand -- #141. Grandma’s Boy -- #167. The Burning Soil -- #197. * The Electric House (Keaton) -- #201. La Roue (Gance) -- #204. The Toll of the Sea -- #227. The Three Must-Get-Theres -- #235. A Santanotte -- #285. Shadows -- #294. Phantom (Murnau)
-- #300+. Beyond the Rocks -- The Blacksmith (Keaton) -- Day Dreams (Keaton) -- * Dr. Jack -- Down to the Sea in Ships -- Manslaughter -- Mud and Sand -- My Wife’s Relations' -- Oliver Twist -- The Paleface -- Pan -- * Pay Day -- The Prisoner of Zenda -- The Ropin’ Fool -- Sherlock Holmes -- The Loves of Pharaoh -- When Knighthood Was in Flower
Paste Magazine, Best Films
-- #27. Cops (Keaton) -- #30. Nosferatu (Murnau) -- #69. Hard Luck (Keaton) -- #96. Foolish Wives (Stroheim)
Silent Films Ranked, Best Films
-- #11. Nosferatu (Murnau) -- #30. Nanook of the North (Flaherty) -- #44. Dr. Mabuse the Gambler (Lang) -- #51. Häxan (Christensen) -- #64. Foolish Wives (Stroheim) -- #75. Robin Hood (Dwan) -- #78. Cops (Keaton)
Schneider, Best Films
-- #1. Nosferatu -- #3. Nanook of the North -- #6. Foolish Wives
-- #5. Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler -- #2. Häxan -- The Great White Silence
National Film Registry
-- #1. Nanook of the North -- #6. Foolish Wives
-- Miss Lulu Bett -- Sky High -- Cops <short> -- Two-Color Kodachrome Test Shots No. III <short>
TSPDT, Best Films
-- #1. Nosferatu -- #3. Nanook of the North -- #6. Foolish Wives
-- #2. Häxan -- #5. <Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler>
Top10ner, Best Films
-- #1. Nosferatu
Film101, Best Films
-- #1. Nosferatu -- #3. Nanook of the North
-- #5. <Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler>
Rotten Tomatoes, Best Films
-- #1. Nosferatu -- #3. Nanook of the North
ChildActors, Best Films
-- #50. Crainquebille (France) -- #36. Oliver Twist
-- David Copperfield (Danish) -- Penrod -- Rags to Riches -- Timothy's Quest <YouTube>
-- Anderssonskans Kalle (Sweden) -- Heroes of the Street -- Our Gang: One Terrible Day -- Our Gang: Our Gang -- The Radio King
-- #1. Nosferatu -- #3. Nanook of the North
-- <Blood and Sand>
-- Our Gang: Good Cheer -- Houdini the Moviestar: The Man From Beyond -- Big Stakes
Pages in category "1922, Top Films"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.
- The Witches (1922 Christensen), film (sv)
- Die Gezeichneten / The Stigmatised (1922 Dreyer), film
- Robin Hood (1922 Dwan), film
- Crainquebille (1922 Feyder), film (fr)
- Nanook of the North (1922 Flaherty), film
- Monte Cristo (1922 Flynn), film
- The Toll of the Sea (1922 Franklin), film
- Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler / Dr. Mabuse the Gambler (1922 Lang), film
- Oliver Twist (1922 Lloyd), film
- Nosferatu (1922 Murnau), film
- Penrod (1922 Neilan), film
- Blood and Sand (1922 Niblo), film
- Nathan der Weise / Nathan the Wise (1922 Noa), film
- Timothy's Quest (1922 Olcott), film
- David Copperfield (1922 Sandberg), film (da)
- Foolish Wives (1922 Stroheim), film
- Scrooge (1922 Wynn), short (uk)
- Our Gang (1942-1944 Roach), serial
Media in category "1922, Top Films"
The following 22 files are in this category, out of 22 total.
- 1921-1923 Stoll (serial).jpg 190 × 281; 15 KB
- 1922 Bonnard (film).jpg 243 × 350; 19 KB
- 1922 Christensen (film).jpg 297 × 418; 29 KB
- 1922 Cline (film).jpg 440 × 658; 65 KB
- 1922 Dreyer (film).jpg 388 × 550; 34 KB
- 1922 Dwan (film).jpg 440 × 691; 124 KB
- 1922 Feyder (film).jpg 171 × 268; 23 KB
- 1922 Flaherty (film).jpg 440 × 656; 110 KB
- 1922 Flynn (film).jpg 780 × 1,170; 456 KB
- 1922 Franklin (film).jpg 845 × 1,200; 252 KB
- 1922 Lang (film).jpg 440 × 655; 90 KB
- 1922 Lloyd (film).jpg 440 × 653; 80 KB
- 1922 Murnau (film).jpg 321 × 445; 30 KB
- 1922 Neilan (film).jpg 440 × 684; 103 KB
- 1922 Niblo (film).jpg 440 × 686; 90 KB
- 1922 Noa (film).jpg 300 × 380; 71 KB
- 1922 Olcott (film).jpg 713 × 1,000; 92 KB
- 1922 Parker (film).jpg 703 × 1,024; 199 KB
- 1922 Reiniger (film).jpg 1,000 × 1,500; 49 KB
- 1922 Sandberg (film).jpg 189 × 267; 10 KB
- 1922 Stroheim (film).jpg 440 × 476; 73 KB
- 1922-1944 Roach (serial).jpg 494 × 700; 81 KB