Brothers (1997 Hunt), novel

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<bibexternal title="Brothers" author="Angela Elwell Hunt"/>

Brothers (1997) is a novel by Angela Elwell Hunt.


"Twenty-two years have passed since Joseph, the great vizier of Egypt, last set sight on the ten sons of Israel. As his brothers kneel before him, he is suddenly overwhelmed by the stinging memory of their treachery when they sold him into slavery. They have journeyed to Egypt to buy grain, but Joseph detains them like criminals and accuses them of being spies. Joseph decrees that Simeon, the overbearing one whose brash opinions often divided the brothers, must remain under house arrest until the youngest brother is brought before the vizier. Strong as an iron chain and as unyielding as a rock, Simeon chafes at his confinement and turns hostile toward his captors. Mandisa, the widowed handmaid of Joseph's wife, speaks the Canaanite language and is assigned to serve the angry Simeon. Slender, poised, and fiery, the young woman brings hope to his imprisonment and soon comes to understand his explosive disposition. Although love for Simeon blossoms within her, Mandisa cannot give her heart to him until he confronts his father, his past, and his God ... Second in the Legacies of the Ancient River Series!"--Publisher description.


Published in Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1997.


External links

  • [ Google Books]