Biblical Bibliography of Lausanne (1987-), database

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The Biblical Bibliography of Lausanne (1987-) is an online database (free access).


BiBIL is the abbreviation of Biblical Bibliography of Lausanne. Its digitalization begun in 1987. The goal of the computer-based Biblical Bibliography of Lausanne (BiBIL) is to provide fast and up-to-date information on the large field of publications about the world of the Bible. It is expanded by the assistants of the Institut Romand de Sciences Bibliques (University of Lausanne). It is based on the indexation of about 120 reviews and of all the books, monographs and collective works bought by the cantonal and university library of Lausanne. Some reviews are indexed by the BOSEB (Bibliotheque oecumenique des sciences et etudes bibliques, Paris). They also collaborate with BILDI (Innsbruck). The Institut Romand des Sciences Bibliques publishes three times a year the Bulletin de bibliographie biblique (BBB). In successive parts, it gives access to the most recent titles of the database BiBIL. The titles are indexed according to a systematic classification and with the help of key words. The first indices were introduced in 1968. The database has been transferred on a computerized system in 1987. URL: