Alice Rosen (F / Germany, 1934), Holocaust survivor

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Alice Rosen (F / Germany, 1934), Holocaust survivor


Alice Lang Rosen was born in 1934 in Lambsheim, Germany. In 1940 her family was deported to the Gurs concentration camp in France. In 1941, Alice was transferred to the Rivesaltes transit camp. In 1942, she was brought to safety by the French Red Cross, who put her in foster families. After the war, she was reunited with her father.


Alice Lang Rosen, born in 1934 in Lambsheim, Germany, describes her early childhood; the deportation of her family to the Gurs camp in France and then to Rivesaltes when she was six years old; the French Red Cross taking her out of the camp and hiding her from the Germans by placing her in a children's home, then in a convent, and then with various Catholic families; being sent to a children's home near Paris after her liberation; having her name put on a list of Jewish children from all over France, which was being compiled by a Polish rabbi; her father tracing her from this list and reuniting with her in Germany in 1946; and immigrating to the United States in 1949.

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