Adele Rubinstein (F / Hungary, 1931), Holocaust survivor

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Adele Rubinstein (F / Hungary, 1931), Holocaust survivor


USHMM Oral Interview

Adele Rubinstein, born in Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary in 1931, discusses being the fifth of seven children; experiencing antisemitic harassment in school; ghettoization in 1944; the draft of her father and two older brothers into a slave labor battalion; being transferred with her family to a brick factory in Debrecen, then to Strasshof; doing slave labor shoveling snow and coal; her mother bringing them extra food; fasting on Yom Kippur; a forced march to Mauthausen; seeing piles of corpses and starvation; being transferred to Gunskirchen; being liberated by United States troops; her hospitalization; escaping with others to find their families; entering a Red Cross camp; her reunion with her mother and siblings; living in Wels displaced persons camp; returning to Hajdúböszörmény; reuniting with her father and older brothers; traveling to Vienna, Austria; living in Salzburg displaced persons camp; moving to Paris, France; immigration to join her father's father in the United States in 1949; receiving assistance from the Joint; her marriage to a Hungarian survivor; the births of four daughters; her orthodoxy and her continuing faith in God; her reluctance to share her story with her children (her husband did); and participating in a survivors' club. [She shows photographs and documents.]

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