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- '''Opening Paul's Letters: A Reader's Guide to Genre and Interpretation''' (2012) is a book by [[Patr ...ern letters, revealing the distinctive conventions, forms, and purposes of Paul's Epistles. It focuses on the literary genre of the letter in ancient Greece1 KB (213 words) - 07:40, 2 November 2019
- ...make the sourcebook the perfect companion text in courses on Paul and his letters. A companion website offers ancillary materials."--Publisher description. ...-- Paul's people: Israel -- The communities around Paul: the ekklesiai -- Paul's legacy2 KB (203 words) - 07:35, 2 November 2019
- ...and the Righteous: A Comparative Study of the Psalms of Solomon and Paul's Letters''' (1995) is a book by [[Mikael Winninge]]. [[Category:Psalms of Solomon (text)|1995 Winninge]]971 bytes (102 words) - 13:41, 7 February 2021
- [[James P. Ware]], '''Paul's Theology in Context: Creation, Incarnation, Covenant, and Kingdom''' (Grand ...illumine and enliven the study, preaching, and teaching of all the Pauline letters."--Publisher description.2 KB (295 words) - 21:10, 15 October 2019
- [[Category:Paul's letters (text)|Paul's letters]]556 bytes (61 words) - 20:51, 10 April 2015
- <bibexternal title="The First and Second Letters to Timothy" author="Johnson"/> '''The First and Second Letters to Timothy ''' (2001) is a book by [[Luke Timothy Johnson]].2 KB (242 words) - 09:12, 17 April 2015
- <bibexternal title="Paul, in Other Words: A Cultural Reading of His Letters " author="Neyrey"/> ''' Paul, in Other Words: A Cultural Reading of His Letters''' (1990) is a book by [[Jerome H. Neyrey]].1 KB (199 words) - 11:58, 22 April 2016
- ...s from Marcion, who preserves the most genuine form of the letters. These letters show the efforts of the Pauline school which was influenced by Philo and Se [[Category:Galatians (text)|1888 Steck]]2 KB (237 words) - 04:08, 21 May 2015
- <bibexternal title="The Letters to the Thessalonians " author="Malherbe"/> '''The Letters to the Thessalonians''' (2000) is a book by [[Abraham J. Malherbe]].2 KB (227 words) - 12:32, 13 November 2015
- '''Asyndeton in Paul: A Text-Critical and Statistical Enquiry into Pauline Style''' (1998) is a book by ...f the behavior of individual manuscripts and also of groups of texts. This text is essential reading for anyone interested in Pauline style, or engaged in2 KB (218 words) - 01:46, 7 May 2016
- ''' New Creation in Paul's Letters and Thought''' (2002) is a book by [[Moyer V. Hubbard]]. ...of "new life" and "new creation", working closely with the language of his letters to unpack, in socio-anthropological context, the images and metaphors he us1 KB (135 words) - 07:11, 27 July 2018
- *Part I: The Story in the Light of the Letters *Part II: The Letters in the Light of the History1 KB (201 words) - 00:39, 21 April 2016
- *6. Paul's First Missionary Journey *10. Paul's Years at Ephesus2 KB (210 words) - 00:00, 26 February 2010
- '''Paul, Women & Wives: Marriage and Women's Ministry in the Letters of Paul''' (1992) is a book by [[Craig S. Keener]]. ...ner mines the historical, lexical, cultural, and exegetical details behind Paul's words about women in the home and ministry to give us one of the most insig2 KB (269 words) - 14:17, 21 December 2018
- ...erary character of the writing, and to the theological implications of the text for the church today."--Publisher description. [[Category:Galatians (text)|2001 Cousar]]1 KB (198 words) - 10:40, 13 November 2015
- ...and Cause in Pauline Exegesis: Romans 1.16-4.25 and a New Approach to the Letters''' (1999) is a book by [[Wendy Dabourne]]. [[Category:Paul's Letters (subject)|1999 Dabourne]]636 bytes (69 words) - 01:45, 7 May 2016
- <bibexternal title="Ancient Rhetoric and Paul's Apology" author="Long"/> '''Ancient Rhetoric and Paul's Apology: The Compositional Unity of 2 Corinthians''' (2004) is a book by [[2 KB (220 words) - 23:01, 25 April 2016
- '''The Gnostic Paul: Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters''' (1975) is a book by [[Elaine H. Pagels]]. ...ions-hermenuetical and theological-involved in their own reading of Paul's letters."--Publisher description.2 KB (241 words) - 15:54, 28 September 2015
- ...ngagingly written, insightful demonstration of the hermeneutical impact of Paul's Corinthian correspondence on early Christian exegetes, it also illustrates [[Category:1 Corinthians (text)|2010 Mitchell]]3 KB (415 words) - 09:55, 2 November 2019
- '''Paul's Letters from Prison: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon''' (1976) is a bo [[Category:Ephesians (text)|1976 Caird]]708 bytes (72 words) - 09:44, 13 November 2015