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- 79 bytes (8 words) - 17:49, 29 March 2012
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- *[[William Baird]], in [[History of New Testament Research: 1. From Deism to Tübingen (1992 Baird), book]] / pp. 308-310 [[Category:NT Scholars--Dutch|1842 Meijboom]]701 bytes (78 words) - 09:43, 1 September 2022
- ...lem Grosheide]]. From 1943 until his retirement in 1975, Ridderbos was New Testament Professor at Kampen Theological Seminar. [[Category:New Testament Scholars & Authors|1909 Ridderbos]]2 KB (195 words) - 20:56, 21 October 2019
- [[Category:New Testament Scholars|1502 Tittelmans]] [[Category:New Testament Scholars--Dutch|1502 Tittelmans]]1 KB (118 words) - 10:41, 11 December 2020
- Albert L.A. Hogeterp earned his PhD in Biblical Studies (New Testament) from the University of Groningen in 2004. ...t the Faculteit Katholieke Theologie, Utrecht, he is now researcher on New Testament at Tilburg University, Netherlands.793 bytes (100 words) - 01:24, 10 July 2011
- *[[De Boeken van het Nieuwe Testament (1950 Keulers), book]]558 bytes (67 words) - 05:09, 18 May 2011
- Professor of Hebrew language and literature, interpretation of the Old Testament history of the Israelitish religion and the Jewish antiquities at the Unive731 bytes (86 words) - 16:17, 21 May 2017
- ...and 1535), as well as critical studies and popular paraphrases of the New Testament Epistles and Gospels. [[Category:New Testament Studies|~1466 Erasmus]]2 KB (200 words) - 10:40, 11 December 2020
- ...ion not only to New Testament research, but also to the study of the [[Old Testament Pseudepigrapha]]. He focused in particular on the [[Testaments of the Twelv *[[Het nieuwe testament en twaalf andere testamenten (1986 Jonge), book]]2 KB (223 words) - 01:01, 1 June 2017
- Professor of New Testament Interpretation, [[Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA]]. *[[Introducing the New Testament: Its Literature and Theology (2001 Achtemeier, Green, Thompson), book]]703 bytes (85 words) - 13:05, 7 February 2021
- ...nto Portuguese. His version of the NT was published in 1681; while the Old Testament he had almost completed by the time of his death was published posthumously *[[O Novo Testamento (New Testament / 1681 Almeida), book (Portuguese)]]909 bytes (119 words) - 16:04, 15 December 2019
- already offered some critical insights to the composition of the New Testament documents, which were then fully developed in his ''Annotationes in Novum T *[[William Baird]], in [[History of New Testament Research: 1. From Deism to Tübingen (1992 Baird), book]] / pp. 7-112 KB (271 words) - 08:05, 13 December 2020
- ...uit, professor of Greek at Vienna, and editor of the Greek text of the New Testament. * [[Novum Testamentum Graecum (Greek New Testament / 1786-87 Alter), book]]774 bytes (101 words) - 22:42, 9 May 2015
- *[[The newe Testament of oure Sauyour Jesu Christ (1526 Tyndale), book]] [[Category:New Testament Scholars|1494 Tyndale]]968 bytes (119 words) - 06:16, 8 December 2020
- P.M. van der Ploeg''' (1909-2004) was a Dutch scholar. Professor of Old Testament and Semitics at the Catholic University of Nijmegen (now Radboud University1 KB (168 words) - 10:35, 19 January 2017
- *[[Concordance to the Greek Testament]] *[[William Baird]], in [[History of New Testament Research: 2. From Jonathan Edwards to Rudolf Bultmann (2003 Baird), book]]809 bytes (101 words) - 08:54, 22 December 2013
- ...commentary on a biblical book, he deeply influenced the development of New Testament Studies in America. *[[William Baird]], in [[History of New Testament Research: 2. From Jonathan Edwards to Rudolf Bultmann (2003 Baird), book]]1 KB (161 words) - 12:44, 9 December 2020
- *[[William Baird]], in [[History of New Testament Research: 1. From Deism to Tübingen (1992 Baird), book]] / pp. 52-54 [[Category:New Testament Scholars|1690 Morgan]]818 bytes (99 words) - 12:32, 20 August 2015
- ...ies; he published an Introduction, a translation and an edition of the New Testament. *[[A New Introduction to the Study and Knowledge of the New Testament (1767-71 Harwood), book]]1 KB (141 words) - 19:52, 5 December 2013
- ...F / Germany, 1937) is a German NT scholar and theologian, Professor of New Testament Research and Church History at Westphalian Wilhelms-University of Münster, *[[Der Text des Neuen Testaments (The Text of the New Testament / 1982 Aland, Aland), book]]1 KB (153 words) - 16:09, 7 December 2020
- *[[Syllabus for New Testament Greek Syntax (1900 Robertson), book]] *[[Bibliography of New Testament Greek (1903 Robertson), book]]2 KB (254 words) - 09:04, 10 May 2016