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- '''Addison Irving Bacheller''' (1859-1950) was an American novelist. [[Category:Novelists|1859 Bacheller]]550 bytes (57 words) - 13:31, 12 December 2019
- '''Tadeusz Stefan Zielinski''' (1859-1944) was a Polish scholar, classical philologist, historian and translator [[Category:Classical Scholars|1859 Zielinski]]752 bytes (83 words) - 06:05, 21 December 2019
- ''' Die Hasmonäer ''' <German> / The Hasmoneans (1859) is a play by [[Leopold Stein]]. [[Category:1859| Stein]]974 bytes (99 words) - 12:20, 10 January 2016
- ...mons/b/b7/DelarochePortrait.jpg Paul Delaroche] (Hyppolyte Delaroche; 1797-1859) was a French artist. [[Category:Died in the 1850s| 1859 Delaroche]]745 bytes (84 words) - 10:29, 8 January 2017
- ''' Heinrich Clementz''' (1859-1946) was a German scholar. Clementz worked since 1885 as a country doctor [[Category:German|1859 Clementz]]736 bytes (89 words) - 07:16, 3 January 2020
- ''' Friedrich Bleek ''' (1793-1859) was a German scholar. [[Category:Died in the 1850s| 1859 Bleek]]541 bytes (73 words) - 11:10, 7 December 2013
- ''' William Wrede''' (1859-1906) was a German scholar. [[Category:German|1859 Wrede]]1 KB (145 words) - 08:14, 2 January 2020
- ''' Paul Feine ''' (1859-1933) was a German scholar. [[Category:NT Scholars|1859 Feine]]965 bytes (123 words) - 08:29, 26 February 2013
- #REDIRECT [[Giuda Maccabeo (1859 Mariotti / Meini), oratorio]]62 bytes (6 words) - 08:50, 6 June 2010
- ''' Edward Stott ''' (1859-1918) was a British artist. [[Category:Artists|1859 Stott]]384 bytes (43 words) - 09:50, 5 January 2017
- ''' Oskar Holtzmann''' (1859-1934) was a German scholar. Oskar Holtzmann was born October 20, 1859 in Stuttgart, Germany, the cousin of [[Heinrich Holtzmann]].3 KB (321 words) - 02:06, 13 August 2013
- ...cis Gigot ''' (1859-1920) was a French American scholar. Born in France in 1859, Francis Ernest Charles Gigot was educated at the Institut Catholique de Pa [[Category:French|1859 Gigot]]1 KB (170 words) - 12:04, 25 April 2015
- '''Joseph Viteau''' (1859-1949) was a French scholar. Published studies on the Greek of the New Testa [[Category:French|1859 Viteau]]904 bytes (116 words) - 10:17, 21 December 2013
- '''William L. Worcester''' (1859-1939) was an American novelist. [[Category:Novelists|1859 Worcester]]472 bytes (48 words) - 22:26, 9 December 2019
- ''' Giuda Maccabeo''' <Italian> (1859) is an oratorio by [[Olimpo Mariotti]] (mus.) and [[Vincenzo Meini]] (libr. Premiered in [[Florence, Italy]]: Church of S. Giovanni Evangelista, 6 March 1859.943 bytes (90 words) - 10:43, 16 January 2016
- #REDIRECT [[File:1859 Tanner, Henry Ossawa (artist) USA.jpg]]61 bytes (8 words) - 13:56, 3 September 2023
- ''' William Emery Barnes''' (1859-1939) was a British scholar. [[Category:Scholars|1859 Barnes]]731 bytes (94 words) - 13:04, 28 May 2021
- ''' George Aaron Barton''' (1859-1942) was a Canadian-born American scholar. Born in Quebec, Canada. PhD (18 [[Category:American|1859 Barton]]1 KB (147 words) - 02:55, 16 May 2015
- ''' François-Léon Benouville ''' (1821-1859) was a French artist. [[Category:Died in the 1850s| 1859 Benouville]]567 bytes (72 words) - 10:28, 8 January 2017
- '''The Destruction of Jerusalem''' (1859) is a painting by [[Nikolai Ge]]. [[Category:1859|*Ge]]335 bytes (40 words) - 19:02, 22 December 2020
Page text matches
- ''' Giuda Maccabeo''' <Italian> (1859) is an oratorio by [[Olimpo Mariotti]] (mus.) and [[Vincenzo Meini]] (libr. Premiered in [[Florence, Italy]]: Church of S. Giovanni Evangelista, 6 March 1859.943 bytes (90 words) - 10:43, 16 January 2016
- ''' The Captive Orphan: Esther, the Queen of Persia ''' (1859) is a novel by [[Stephen H. Tyng]]. Published in the United States (New York, NY: Protestant Episcopal Society, 1859).804 bytes (87 words) - 10:08, 22 December 2020
- '''The Destruction of Jerusalem''' (1859) is a painting by [[Nikolai Ge]]. [[Category:1859|*Ge]]335 bytes (40 words) - 19:02, 22 December 2020
- ''' Die Hasmonäer ''' <German> / The Hasmoneans (1859) is a play by [[Leopold Stein]]. [[Category:1859| Stein]]974 bytes (99 words) - 12:20, 10 January 2016
- ''' תולדות יוסף (Toledot Yosef) ''' <Hebrew> / '''Life of Josephus''' (1859) is a book by [[Kalman Schulman]]. Published in Vilnius [Lithuania]: Yosef Reuven bar Menahem Man Rom, 1859.711 bytes (72 words) - 19:03, 23 April 2016
- ''' Colin Campbell ''' (1859-1928) was an British American film director. [[Category:Film Directors|1859 Campbell]]844 bytes (106 words) - 09:51, 11 December 2020
- '''Die Weisheit Jesus-Sirach's''' (1859) is a book by [[Otto Fridolin Fritzsche]]. Published in Leipzig [Germany]: S. Hirzel, 1859 ([[Kurzgefasstes Exegetisches Handbuch zu den Apokryphen des Alten Testamen710 bytes (71 words) - 05:10, 22 May 2016
- ''' Mangasar M. Mangasarian ''' (1859-1943) was an American nonfiction writer, of Armenian descent. A rationalist [[Category:Nonfiction Writers|1859 Mangasarian]]921 bytes (101 words) - 22:49, 17 December 2019
- '''Addison Irving Bacheller''' (1859-1950) was an American novelist. [[Category:Novelists|1859 Bacheller]]550 bytes (57 words) - 13:31, 12 December 2019
- '''William St. Clair Tisdall''' (1859-1928) was a British scholar. [[Category:Scholars|1859 Tisdall]]575 bytes (65 words) - 08:52, 16 May 2015
- ''' Heinrich Clementz''' (1859-1946) was a German scholar. Clementz worked since 1885 as a country doctor [[Category:German|1859 Clementz]]736 bytes (89 words) - 07:16, 3 January 2020
- ''' Edward Stott ''' (1859-1918) was a British artist. [[Category:Artists|1859 Stott]]384 bytes (43 words) - 09:50, 5 January 2017
- '''Tadeusz Stefan Zielinski''' (1859-1944) was a Polish scholar, classical philologist, historian and translator [[Category:Classical Scholars|1859 Zielinski]]752 bytes (83 words) - 06:05, 21 December 2019
- '''Mashafa kufale sive Liber Jubilaeorum... aethiopice''' (1859) is a book by [[August Dillmann]]. Apud C.G.L. van Maack; and Londin [England]: Apud Williams et Norgate, 1859.890 bytes (101 words) - 16:32, 10 January 2017
- ...a; or, Illustrations of the Four Gospels, Drawn from Jewish Traditions''' (1859) is a book by [[Thomas Robinson]]. Published in London [England]: Nisbet, 1859.878 bytes (97 words) - 11:15, 3 August 2015
- ''' Grammatik des Neutestamentlichen Sprachgebrauchs ''' (1859) is a book by [[Alexander Buttmann]]. Published in Berlin [Germany]: Dümmler, 1859.606 bytes (66 words) - 17:49, 27 October 2019
- '''William L. Worcester''' (1859-1939) was an American novelist. [[Category:Novelists|1859 Worcester]]472 bytes (48 words) - 22:26, 9 December 2019
- ...he Jews from the Babylonish Captivity, to the Days of Herod the Great ''' (1859) is a book by [[Henry A. Henry]]. Published in [[San Francisco, CA]]: Towne & Bacon, 1859.541 bytes (68 words) - 23:39, 6 May 2016
- ''' Florence Morse Kingsley ''' (1859-1937) was an American novelist. Lived in Staten Island from about 1895 unti [[Category:Novelists|1859 Kingsley]]1 KB (130 words) - 11:30, 13 December 2020
- ''' Adolphe Danziger De Castro''' (1859-1959) was a Polish-born American Jewish writer. Born in Poland of a family [[Category:Nonfiction Writers|1859 De Castro]]1 KB (154 words) - 18:23, 17 December 2019