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Marcus Opellius Antoninus Diadumenianus (208 – 218 CE) was co-emperor with his father Macrinus from 217 to 218 CE.


Diadumenianus, the son of Macrinus, was co-emperor with his father from 217 to 218 CE. He was succeeded by Elagabalus.

Early Career

Marcus Opellius Diadumenianus was born in 208 CE, the son of Macrinus and Nonia Caelsa.

Imperial Succession

After the murder of Caracalla in 217 CE, [[Macrinus] proclaimed himself as emperor. To guarantee and strengthen his position, soon after his accession, Macrinus appointed his son Diadumenianus as Caesar, with the name of Marcus Opellius Antoninus Diadumenianus. In 218 CE, following the defeat and execution of his father, Diadumenianus, hastily proclaimed emperor was captured at Zeugma, while trying to escape to the Parthian court, and executed.

Diadumenianus in ancient sources

Diadumenianus in Scholarship

Diadumenianus in Fiction

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