Gabriella Gelardini, scholar

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Gabriella Gelardini is a Swiss-Italian scholar at the University of Basel, Switzerland.


Doctoral research at Harvard (1999-2000). Doctorate (2004), Habilitation (2013), and Associate Professorship (Privatdozentin) in New Testament at the University of Basel. Interim Professor of New Testament at the University of Fribourg (2014).

Works on Second Temple Judaism


Edited volumes (selection)

Articles in edited volumes (selection)

Articles in academic journals (selection)

  • Der erinnerte Tempel / Gabriella Gelardini / Theologische Zeitschrift 69.4 (2013) 446–476
  • The Contest for a Royal Title: Herod versus Jesus in the Gospel According to Mark (6,14–29; 15,6–15) / Gabriella Gelardini / Annali di storia dell’ esegesi 28.2 (2011) 93–106
  • Melchisedeks (Opfer)Gabe: Der Priesterkönig im Alten Testament, Frühjudentum und im Neuen Testament / Gabriella Gelardini / Bibel und Kirche 66.1 (2011) 40–44
  • Von Bundesbruch zu Bundeserneuerung: Das sühnende Opfer im Hebräerbrief / Gabriella Gelardini / Bibel und Kirche 64.3 (2009) 166–172, 178

External links