The Literature of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus (1972 Schürer, Glatzer), book

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The Literature of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus (1972) is the abridged edition of the second division of Geschichte des jüdischen Volks im Zeitalter Jesu Christi = A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ (1886-90 Schürer), book, edited by Nahum N. Glatzer.



Published in New York, NY: Schocken Books, 1972.


Historiography. The First book of Maccabees ; The History of John Hyrcanus ; Josephus' History of the Jewish War -- The psalmodic literature. The psalms of the Maccabean age ; The Psalms of Solomon -- The Gnomic wisdom. Jesus the son of Sirach ; The Pirke Aboth -- Hortatory narrative. The Book of Judith ; The Book of Tobit -- Pseudepigraphic prophecies. The Book of Daniel ; The Book of Enoch ; The Assumptio Mosis ; The Apocalypse of Baruch ; The Fourth book of Ezra ; The Testaments of the twelve patriarchs -- The sacred legends. The Book of Jubilees ; The Martyrdom of Isaiah ; The lost legendary works -- Books of magic and magical spells -- Translations of the holy Scriptures. The Septuagint ; Aquila and Theodotion -- Revision and completion of Scripture literature. The Greek Ezra ; Additions to Esther ; Additions to Daniel The Prayer of Manasseh ; The Book of Baruch ; The Letter of Jeremiah -- Historical literature. Demetrius ; Eupolemus ; Artapanus ; Aristeas ; Cleodemus or Malchus ; An anonymous writer ; Jason of Cyrene and the Second book of Maccabees ; The Third book of Maccabees ; Philo's historical works ; Josephus ; Justus of Tiberias -- Epic poetry and the drama. Philo, the epic poet ; Theodotus ; Ezekiel, the tragic poet -- Philosophy. The Wisdom of Solomon ; Aristobulus ; Philo ; The Fourth book of Maccabees -- Apologetics. The literary opponents : Manetho, Apollonius Molon, Lysimachus, Chaeremon, Apion ; Apologetics -- Jewish propaganda under a heathen mask. The Sibyllines ; Hystaspes ; Forged verses of the Greek poets ; Hecataeus ; Aristeas ; Phocylides ; Smaller pieces perhaps of Jewish origin under heathen names -- Philo, the Jewish philosopher. The life and writings of Philo ; The doctrine of Philo.

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