Spanish Scholarship (2010s)
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[This section is currently being updated]
2010s - Books by Spanish scholars originally published in Spanish
- 13 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ [2010-2012]
2010s - Books by Spanish scholars originally published in Spanish, by subject
- 10 ■■■■■■■■■■ Historical Jesus, Time of Jesus, New Testament (including the New Testament Apocrypha), and Christian Origins [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Greek Bible and New Testament [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Jews and Judaism in the Roman Era [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Targumic Literature [2010-2012]
2010s - Books by Spanish scholars originally published in other languages different from Spanish
- 1 ■ [2010-2012]
2010s - Books by Spanish scholars originally published in other languages different from Spanish, by subject
- 1 ■ Historical Jesus [2010-2012]
2010s - Books by Spanish scholars
- 14 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ [2010-2012]
2010s - Books by Spanish scholars, by subject
- 11 ■■■■■■■■■■■ Historical Jesus, Time of Jesus, New Testament (including the New Testament Apocrypha), and Christian Origins [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Greek Bible and New Testament [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Jews and Judaism in the Roman Era [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Targumic Literature [2010-2012]
2010s - Books by non-Spanish scholars originally published in Spain
2010s - Books by non-Spanish scholars originally published in Spain, by subject
2010s - Books by non-Spanish scholars translated into Spanish
- 15 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ [2010-2012]
2010s - Books by non-Spanish scholars translated into Spanish, by subject
- 11 ■■■■■■■■■■■ Historical Jesus, Time of Jesus, New Testament, Christian Origins, and Jewish-Christian Relations in Late Antiquity [2010-2012]
- 2 ■■ Dead Sea Scrolls and Qumran [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Apocalyptic Literature [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Rabbinic Judaism [2010-2012]
2010s - Total books published in Spain
- 28 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ [2010-2012]
2010s - Total books published in Spain, by subject
- 8 ■■■■■■■■ Historical Jesus, Time of Jesus, New Testament (including the New Testament Apocrypha), and Christian Origins [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Dead Sea Scrolls and Qumran [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Jews and Judaism in the Roman Era [2010-2012]
- 1 ■ Rabbinic Judaism [2010-2012]
2010s - Total books by Spanish scholars originally published outside Spain
- 1 ■ [2010-2012]
2010s - Total books by Spanish scholars originally published outside Spain, by subject
- 1 ■ Historical Jesus [2010-2012]