Basil Lourié (b.1962), scholar

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Basil Lourié (b.1962) is a Russian scholar.


Born in 1962, St Petersburg, Russia. PhD and Dr habil. in philosophy. Editor in Chief of the Scrinium. Revue de patrologie, d'hagiographie critique et d'histoire ecclésiastique published by Gorigais Press

and of its two supplement series:

Orientalia Judaica Christiana and Scripta ecclesiastica

Interests: Patristics, Christian Origins/Second Temple Judaism(s)


Complete bibliography is here.

Books in Russian:

1. Gregory of Nyssa, De hominis opificio (1995; 2nd ed., 2000) (tr. and scholarly commentary).

2. "Vocation of Abraham. The Idea of the Monasticism and Its Realization in Egypt" (2000).

3. History of the Byzantine Philosophy. Formative period (2006) ([some fragments on the publisher's web-site]).

Serbian translation (2010).

4. Introduction to the Critical Hagiography (2009)

5. Russian Orthodoxy between Kiev and Moscow (2009; 2nd ed., 2010)

Works on Second Temple Judaism

Edited volumes


  • Святая Чаша в раннехристианских чинопоследованиях домашнего причащения (с замечанием о коптском чине Исполнения Чаши) [The Holy Chalice in the Early Christian Rites of the Home Communion (with a Note on the Coptic Rite of the Filling of Chalice)], in: Средневековое православие. От прихода до патриархата. Сборник научных статей. Вып. 2 / Отв. ред. Н. Д. Барабанов. Волгоград: Изд-во Волгоградского университета, 1998. 4—29.
  • Цитата из Папия в составе армянской версии Толкования на Апокалипсис св. Андрея Кесарийского [Papias' Quotation in the Armenian Version of the Commentary on Apocalypse by St Andrew of Caesarea], in: Писания мужей апостольских / Составление… А. Г. Дунаева. М.: Издательский Совет Русской Православной Церкви, 2003 (Творения святых отцов и учителей Церкви) 511—532. [2nd ed.: 2008.]
  • Чаша Соломона и скиния на Сионе. Часть 1. Надпись на Чаше Соломона: текст и контекст [The Chalice of Solomon and the Tabernacle on Sion. Part One: Inscription on the Chalice of Solomon: text and context], Byzantinorossica / Византинороссика 3 (2005): Истоки и последствия: Византийское наследие на Руси. Сборник статей к 70-летию члена-корреспондента РАН И. П. Медведева / Под ред. К. К. Акентьева. 8—74. On-line publication at
  • [Review:] James C. VanderKam, Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls : Measuring Time (London and New York, 1998) (The Literature of the Dead Sea Scrolls) // Христианский Восток. 4 (Х) (2002) [изд. 2006] 590—591 (in Russian).
  • [Review:] Alexander Kulik, Retroverting Slavonic Pseudepigrapha: Toward the Original of the Apocalypse of Abraham, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 15/3 (2006) 229-233.
  • Calendrical Implications in the Epistle to the Hebrews: Seven questions concerning the liturgy of the Sabbath rest, Revue biblique 115-2 (2008) 245–265.
  • Between Babylonia and Ethiopia: Some Thought about a Recent Book on the Qumranic Calendars (Jonathan Ben-Dov, Head of All Years. Astronomy and Calendars at Qumran and Their Ancient Context) // Scrinium. Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclésiastique 6 (2010) 413–432.

In Print

  • Calendrical Elements in 2 Enoch, in: G. Boccaccini, A. Orlov (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Enoch Seminar.
  • One hapax legomenon and the Date of 2 Enoch: Promitaya—*prwmṭy(’)—prwṭmy—προτομή, Enoch.
  • Afterlife of the 2 Enoch Calendar: Major Christian Feasts on the 6th Day, Enoch.
  • An Unknown Danielic Pseudepigraphon from an Armenian Fragment of Papias, The Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha.
  • A Danielic Pseudepigraphon Paraphrased by Papias. A new translation and introduction, in: R. Bauckham, J. Davila (eds.), More Old Testament Pseudepigrapha.
  • [Review:] A. Kulik, 3 Baruch (2009), The Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha.
  • Cosmology and Liturgical Calendar in 3 Baruch, in: A. Kulik (ed.), Harry E. Gaylord Memorial Volume (Leiden etc.: Brill).
  • Propitiatorium in the Apocalypse of Abraham, in: Böttrich, L. DiTommaso (eds.), The Old Testament Apocrypha in the Slavonic Tradition.Continuity and Diversity (TSAJ; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011).
  • The Jewish matrix of Christianity seen through the early Christian liturgical institutions, in: D. Bumazhnov, A. Toepel et al. (eds.), <Proceedings of the 3rd Intern. Conference on the Christian East in Tübingen, 2008> (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck).

External links

Basil Lourié on (most of the edited volumes with function "Look inside")

Basil Lourié on