Category:Enochic Studies--1980s

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History of Research (1980s -- Notes

In the 1980s numerous new translations (Fusella 1981 [Italian]; Corrente/Piñero 1982 [Spanish]; Isaac 1983 [English]; Knibb (1984) [English]; Uhlig 1984 [German]; Black (1985) [English]; Caquot (1987) [French]) laid the foundation for a reevaluation of the importance of 1 Enoch within Second Temple Jewish literature.

Selected Articles and Reviews (1980s)


  • André Caquot. [On] Michael A. Knibb, "The Ethiopic Book of Enoch; a New Edition in the Light of the Aramaic Dead Sea Fragments", 2 vols. (1978). Journal of Semitic Studies 25.2 (1980) 275-278 <French>.





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