Carlos A. Segovia (1970-), scholar

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Carlos A. Segovia (b.1970) is a British-born Spanish scholar. He is currently associate professor in religious studies at the Camilo José Cela University in Madrid, Spain.

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Carlos A. Segovia was born in London, England, on May 22, 1970. He earned his Laurea (1995) and his PhD (2004) in Philosophy and Religious Studies from the Universitas Complutensisis of Madrid (UCM), Spain. He was Visiting Professor in Islamic Studies at the National University of Distant Education (UNED) and the Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) in Madrid, Spain, from 2007 to 2011, and Research Associate in Comparative Religious Studies at the University of Seville from 2008 to 2011. He is now Associate Professor in Religious Studies at the Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) in Madrid, Spain. In 2009 he was appointed Associate Editor in charge for Spanish scholarship of 4 Enoch and he became member of the Book Reviews Commission of the journal Henoch. In 2011 he joyned the Board of Directors of the Enoch Seminar. He is currently Vice-Director of 4 Enoch. A former scholar in Religious Studies, Contemporary Philosophy and Hermeneutics, and Islamic Thought (he has translated into Spanish and commented amidst other the works of Abu l-Hasan al-As'ari, Avicenna, and Mulla Sadra Shirazi), since 2008 he has entirely devoted his research to the study of Second Temple Judaism, Christian origins, Rabbinic Judaism, and late ancient Christianity (including the Judaeo-Christian setting of formative Islam).

Works on Second Temple Judaism


  • Israel y los gentiles: El mensaje original de Pablo de Tarso en su contexto judío <Israel and the Gentiles: The Original Message of Paul of Tarsus in Its Jewish Context> (forthcoming).
  • Apocalypticism and Intertextuality: Studies in the Literature of Second Temple Judaism, Early Christianity, and Formative Islam (forthcoming).




  • "1 Henoc y el estudio contemporáneo de la apocalíptica judía: Una conversación con Gabriele Boccaccini" <1 Enoch and the Contemporary Study of Jewish Apocalypticism: A Conversation with Gabriele Boccaccini>. / In: EPIMELEIA 35-36 (2009) 7-28.
  • "El judeo-cristianismo: Una nueva hipótesis; seguido de un resumen de la Demostración 17 de Afraates (sobre la divinidad de Cristo" <Jewish-Christianity: A New Hypothesis; Followed by a Summary of Aphrahat's 17th Demonstration (on the Divinity of Christ)>. / In: Isidorianum 37 (2010) 83-108.
  • "Noah as Eschatological Mediator Transposed: From 2 Enoch 71-72 to the Christological Echoes of 1 Enoch 106:3 in the Qur'an." / In: Henoch 33 (1/2011) 134-45.
  • "La biblioteca de Qumrán y los esenios" <The Library from Qumran and the Essenes>. / In: Historia National Geographic 88 (2011) 40-48.
  • "Thematic and Structural Affinities between 1 Enoch and the Qur'an: A Contribution to the Study of the Judaeo-Christian Apocalyptic Setting of the Early Islamic Faith." / In: The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom?Studies on the Rise of Islam and Other Various Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough. Edited by Basile Lourie and Carlos A. Segovia. Orientalia Judaica Christiana 3, 231-67. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011 (forthcoming).


  • "Judaísmos del Segundo Templo y religiones del Libro: Evolución y reelaboración de dos teologías en litigio" <Second Temple Judaisms and Book Religions: On the Development of Two Conflicting Theologies> / Círculo de Estudios Espirituales Comparados / Arenas de San Pedro [Spain] / December 6, 2008.
  • "El legado de la apocalíptica judía en la cristiandad etiópica" <The Legacy of Jewish Apocalyptic within Ethiopic Christianity> / University of Seville / Seville [Spain] / February 13, 2009.
  • "1 Henoc y los orígenes del cristianismo" <1 Enoch and Christian Origins> / Seminario de Hermenéutica Comparada / University of Seville / Seville [Spain] / January 15, 2010.
  • "Los esenios y los orígenes del cristianismo en los manuscritos del mar Muerto" <The Essenes and Christian Origins in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls> / Huete [Spain] / August 9-11, 2010.
  • "La contraposición luz/tinieblas en la admonición escatológica final del Henoc etiópico (1 Henoc 108): Su significado en el contexto de la apocalíptica judía y su influencia en el Nuevo Testamento" <Light and Darkness in the Final Eschatological Admonition of Ethiopic Enoch (1 Enoch 108): Its Meaning within Jewish Apocalypticism and Its Influence upon the New Testament> / Ateneo de Madrid / Madrid [Spain] / December 14, 2010.
  • "Identidad, alteridad y polidoxia en la literatura apocalíptica judía del siglo I: Una nueva lectura de 4 Esdras" <Religious Identity and Alterity and the Notion of Polydoxia in 1st-Century Jewish Apocalyptic Literature: Towards a New Reading of 4 Ezra> / Seminario de Hermenéutica Comparada / University of Seville / Seville [Spain] / January 21, 2011.
  • "Los manuscritos del mar Muerto, el judaísmo henóquico y los orígenes del cristianismo" <Dead Sea Scrolls, Enochic Judaism, and Christian Origins> / Aula Abierta / National University of Distant Education / Cuenca [Spain] / February 14, 2011.
  • "El Corán como palimpsesto: Sobre la influencia de la apocalíptica judía y cristiana en la formación del corpus coránico" <The Qur'an as Palimsest: On the Influence of Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic Literature on the Formation of the Quranic Corpus> / Master en Religiones y Sociedades / Pablo de Olavide University / Seville [Spain] / June 20, 2011.
  • "¿Fue Pablo cristiano? El judaísmo mesiánico de Pablo de Tarso a la luz de la investigación actual" <Was Paul Christian? Paul of Tarsus' Jewish Messianism in Light of Contemporary Scholarship> / Una Nueva Mirada a Pablo de Tarso / Huete [Spain] / August 8, 2011.

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