Stephane Saulnier (b.1967), scholar

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Stéphane Saulnier (b. 1967) is a French scholar

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  • PhD (2007) University of Kent, UK.
  • Member of the Enoch Seminar. Secretary of the French Editorial Board of the Journal Henoch
  • Associate editor (french scholarship), 4 Enoch: The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins

Works on Second Temple Judaism


Articles in edited volumes

  • "Jubilees 49:1-14 and the Absent Second Passover: how (and why) to do away with an unwanted festival,” Henoch 31 (2009/1), Short Studies on Enoch and Jubilees Presented at the Fourth Enoch Seminar (Camaldoli, Italy, 8-12 July 2007) 42-47.

Articles in academic journals

  • "Qumran Calendars: A Survey of Scholarship 1980-2007" Currents in Biblical Research 7.1 (2008)124-168. With Jonathan Ben-Dov

External links