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Welcome  6pm-6:30pm
Welcome  6pm-6:30pm
Opening session 6pm-7:45 -- Introduction (Loren Stuckenbruck)
Opening session 6pm-7:45 -- Introduction ([[Loren T. Stuckenbruck]])

====MONDAY 22 JULY 2013====
====MONDAY 22 JULY 2013====
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8pm Breakfast
8pm Breakfast

9:00am-10:15am -- Four Reading Sessions  
9:00am-10:15am -- Reading / Seminar Sessions  
* [[Anders Klostergaard Pedersen]], Birth Narratives
* [[Loren T. Stuckenbruck]], The New Ethiopic Enoch mss

10:45am-12:45am -- Papers One ([[Benjamin G. Wold]]; Respondent [[Eyal Regev]]) and Two ([[Henryk Drawnel]], "The Origin of the Enochic Myth (1 Enoch 6-11) and the Synoptic Gospels"; Respondent [[Lorenzo DiTommaso]])
10:45am-12:45am -- Papers One ([[Benjamin G. Wold]]; Respondent [[Eyal Regev]]) and Two ([[Henryk Drawnel]], "The Origin of the Enochic Myth (1 Enoch 6-11) and the Synoptic Gospels"; Respondent [[Lorenzo DiTommaso]])
Line 86: Line 89:
8pm Breakfast
8pm Breakfast

9:00am-10:15am -- Four Reading Sessions  
9:00am-10:15am -- Reading / Seminar Sessions  
* [[James H. Charlesworth]], Updating the Parables of Enoch
* [[Lutz Doering]], The role of Urzeit-Endzeit correspondence in Enochic (and related) literature and the Synoptics

10:45am-12:45am -- Papers Five ([[Pierluigi Piovanelli]], "John the Baptist; baptism"; Respondent [[Daniel M. Gurtner]]) and Six ([[Gabriele Boccaccini]], "John the Baptist and Enoch Tradition; forgiveness"; Respondent [[Lutz Doering]])
10:45am-12:45am -- Papers Five ([[Pierluigi Piovanelli]], "John the Baptist; baptism"; Respondent [[Daniel M. Gurtner]]) and Six ([[Gabriele Boccaccini]], "John the Baptist and Enoch Tradition; forgiveness"; Respondent [[Lutz Doering]])
Line 115: Line 121:
8pm Breakfast
8pm Breakfast

9:00am-10:15am -- Four Reading Sessions  
9:00am-10:15am -- Reading / Seminar Sessions  
* [[James R. Davila]], Roles of Angels and Demons in 1 Enoch and the Synoptics
* [[Robert A. Kraft]], The role of Urzeit-Endzeit correspondence in Enochic (and related) literature and the Synoptics

10:45am-12:45am -- Papers Nine ([[Kelley Coblentz Bautch]], "Angelology"; Respondent [[Randall D. Chesnutt]]) and Ten ([[Archie Wright]], "Anthropology of the Demoniacs in the Gospel Traditions"; Respondent [[Robert G. Hall]])
10:45am-12:45am -- Papers Nine ([[Kelley Coblentz Bautch]], "Angelology"; Respondent [[Randall D. Chesnutt]]) and Ten ([[Archie Wright]], "Anthropology of the Demoniacs in the Gospel Traditions"; Respondent [[Robert G. Hall]])

Revision as of 12:07, 25 April 2013

The Seventh Enoch Seminar (21-26 July 2013), is an international Conference organized by the Enoch Seminar.


Theme: “Enoch and the Synoptic Tradition”

Chair: Loren Stuckenbruck, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

Date: Camaldoli, Italy: July 21-26, 2013

Place: Monastero di Camaldoli

Areas of Focus:

  • Angelic and intermediary beings
  • Demonology
  • Sinners and Righteous
  • Birth Narratives
  • Cosmology
  • Portraits of God


Online Registration for the Seventh Enoch Seminar will be available by the end of October (registration due by January 1, 2013):

Registration (including membership):

  • $ 00.00 (veterans) - attended six or more previous meetings
  • $ 100.00 (veterans) - attended five previous meetings / and emeriti
  • $ 125.00 (veterans) - attended four previous meetings
  • $ 150.00 (veterans) - attended three previous meetings
  • $ 175.00 (members) - attended two previous meetings
  • $ 200.00 (friends) - attended one previous meeting
  • $ 225.00 (newcomers) - never attended the Enoch Seminar (or Nangeroni Meetings)

The Registration has to be paid only by participants (not spouses or guests).

Attendance at the Enoch Seminar is by invitation only and is limited to university professors and scholars in the field. If you are interested in attending or participating in the Seventh Enoch Seminar, please contact the secretary of the Seminar, Jason Zurawski.


Contribution for lodging (5 nights + meals included) [to be paid at Camaldoli]: <estimate - prices may still vary >

  • 000.oo euros (authors of long papers)
  • 200.oo euros (respondents)
  • 300.oo euros (short papers & guests [children: 0-5 free; 6-15 half price])



Arrivals - Bus from the Arezzo Railway Station (around 3:30pm--4pm).

Accomodation at Camaldoli

Welcome 6pm-6:30pm Opening session 6pm-7:45 -- Introduction (Loren T. Stuckenbruck)


8pm Breakfast

9:00am-10:15am -- Reading / Seminar Sessions

10:45am-12:45am -- Papers One (Benjamin G. Wold; Respondent Eyal Regev) and Two (Henryk Drawnel, "The Origin of the Enochic Myth (1 Enoch 6-11) and the Synoptic Gospels"; Respondent Lorenzo DiTommaso)

1pm -- Lunch

4:00pm - 6:00pm -- Paper Three (James H. Charlesworth, "The Book of Noah and Related Noah Traditions: Announcing a Critical Text and Translation with Reflections on the Gospel Birth Narratives"; Respondent Matthias Henze) and Four (Amy E. Richter, "Enoch Tradition and Matthew's Gospel: The Infancy Narrative"; Respondent Gerbern S. Oegema)

6:30pm-7:45pm -- Discussion groups (one group for each of the four papers)

8pm -- Dinner


8pm Breakfast

9:00am-10:15am -- Reading / Seminar Sessions

10:45am-12:45am -- Papers Five (Pierluigi Piovanelli, "John the Baptist; baptism"; Respondent Daniel M. Gurtner) and Six (Gabriele Boccaccini, "John the Baptist and Enoch Tradition; forgiveness"; Respondent Lutz Doering)

1pm -- Lunch

4:00pm - 6:00pm -- Papers Seven (Leslie Baynes, "Messianic Meals in the Parables of Enoch and the Gospel of Luke"; Respondent Benjamin E. Reynolds) and Eight (Lester L. Grabbe, "'Son of Man': Its Origin and Meaning in Second Temple Judaism"; Respondent Daniel Boyarin)

6:30pm-7:45pm -- Discussion groups (one group for each of the four papers)

8pm -- Dinner


8pm Breakfast

  • 9:00am-10:45am -- Short Papers (30m each in four parallel sessions)
  • 11:am-12:45am -- Short Papers (30m each in four parallel sessions)

1pm -- Lunch

Afternoon trip to the Camaldoli Eremo and the La Verna Convent.


8pm Breakfast

9:00am-10:15am -- Reading / Seminar Sessions

  • James R. Davila, Roles of Angels and Demons in 1 Enoch and the Synoptics
  • Robert A. Kraft, The role of Urzeit-Endzeit correspondence in Enochic (and related) literature and the Synoptics

10:45am-12:45am -- Papers Nine (Kelley Coblentz Bautch, "Angelology"; Respondent Randall D. Chesnutt) and Ten (Archie Wright, "Anthropology of the Demoniacs in the Gospel Traditions"; Respondent Robert G. Hall)

1pm -- Lunch

4:00pm - 6:00pm -- Papers Eleven (Andrei A. Orlov, "Enoch Tradition and the Temptation Narrative"; Florentina Badalanova-Geller) and Twelve (Joseph L. Angel, "Priestly Tradition: Enoch and Jesus"; Respondent Steven D. Fraade)

6:30pm-7:45pm -- Discussion groups (one group for each of the four papers)

8pm -- Dinner

Wrap-Up Session



Bus to Arezzo Railway Station


Angel, Joseph L. *

Assefa, Daniel *

Badalanova Geller, Florentina

Baumgarten, Albert *

Baynes, Leslie *

Bedenbender, Andreas *

Boccaccini, Gabriele *

Boyarin, Daniel *

Carbullanca Núñez, César *

Caruthers, Rodney *

Charlesworth, James *

Chesnutt, Randall *

Coblentz Bautch, Kelley *

Davis, Michael

Davila, James R. *

De Long, Kindalee *

DiTommaso, Lorenzo *

Dobroruka, Vicente *

Doering, Lutz *

Drawnel, Henryk *

Dyma, Oliver *

Ellens, J Harold *

Forger, Deborah *

Fraade, Steven *

Gagné, André *

Gelardini, Gabriella *

Grabbe, Lester *

Gurtner, Daniel *

Hagen, Joost *

Hall, Bob

Henze, Matthias *

Herms, Ron

Hillel, Vered *

Hoffmann, Matthias *

Ibba, Giovanni *

Jackson, David R *

Justnes, Årstein *

Kraft, Robert *

Ludlow, Jared *

Mandel, Paul *

Mazzinghi, Luca *

Navtanovich, Liudmila *

Nir, Rivka *

Noffke, Eric *

Oliver, Isaac *

Orlov, Andrei *

Petersen, Anders Klostergaard *

Pierce, Chad *

Piovanelli, Pierluigi

Reynolds, Benjamin *

Richter, Amy E. *

Sailors, Timothy *

Schmidt, Brian *

Stuckenbruck, Loren

Tamasi, Balazs *

Williams, Ralph *

Wold, Benjamin *

Wright, Archie *

Zevit, Ziony *

Zurawski, Jason *

Getting to the Seminar

Monastero di Camaldoli (site of Seminar and accommodations)

Località Camaldoli, 52010 Camaldoli

  • You may fly in to either Florence, Rome, or Bologna. You will then take the train to Arezzo.
    • From the Florence Airport (Peretola), you will need to take a bus/cab to the main train station, Santa Maria Novella, then the train to Arezzo.
    • From Rome (Fiumicino), you will take the train to Roma Termini, then to Arezzo.
    • From Bologna (Guglielmo Marconi), you will take the bus/taxi to Bolgona Centrale and from there to Arezzo.
    • Try to avoid local trains which stop at every station and therefore take much longer. Look for high-speed, intercity, or frecciarosa trains.
  • We are scheduling a bus to take us from Arezzo to Camalodoli on Sunday, July 21. The bus will leave the train station at 3:30pm.
    • Meet at the Arezzo train station, at the bar/café, to be ready to leave by 3:30.
  • If you are unable to make this bus, you can take the train from Arezzo to Bibbiena.
    • From Bibbiena, you can take a taxi to Camaldoli (~20-30 euros).
  • You may also take a taxi directly from Arezzo to Camaldoli, but this will be more expensive.


External Links