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Category:Christian Origins Studies--Other
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Pages in category "Christian Origins Studies--Other"
The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.
- De brief van Barnabas (1901 Veldhuizen), book
- Die Doper; of, Die Herodes-Treurspel (The Baptist; or, The Herod-Tragedy / 1928 Müller), play (Afrikaans)
- Kotoliset kirjeet: Pietarin, Johanneksen, Jaakòbin ja Juudan kirjeet (Catholic Letters: 1-2 Peter, 1-2-3 John, James, and Jude / 1956 Lauha), book (Finnish)
- Nowy Testament na tle epoki: geografia, historia, kultura (New Testament Times: Geography, History, Culture / 1958 Dabrowski), book (Polish)
- Juudas (Judas / 1969 Kalmus), novel (Estonian)