Category:Women's Studies--1990s
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The Women's Bible Commentary' (1992), ed. Carol A. Newsom and Sharon H. Ringe
"This ground-breaking commentary gathers the work of many outstanding women scholars, who introduce each book of the Bible with an extended discussion of general critical issues of the book and a narrative summary of its content. They follow with a commentary on those sections of the book that have particular relevance to women and enable readers to understand the significance of the presence or absence of women. Specifically, they focus on portions of scripture that deal with female characters, symbols, life situations such as marriage and family, the legal status of women, and religious principles that affect relationships of women and men. Topical articles on biblical women's lives, noncanonical literature, and feminist interpretation are also included."--BOOK JACKET.
Contents -- When women interpret the Bible / Sharon H. Ringe -- Genesis / Susan Niditch -- Exodus / Drorah O'Donnell Setel -- Leviticus / Judith Romney Wegner -- Numbers / Katharine Doob Sakenfeld -- Deuteronomy / Tikva Frymer-Kensky -- Joshua / Danna Nolan Fewell -- Judges / Danna Nolan Fewell -- Ruth / Amy-Jill Levine -- 1 and 2 Samuel / Jo Ann Hackett -- 1 and 2 Kings / Claudia V. Camp -- 1 and 2 Chronicles / Alice L. Laffey -- Ezra-Nehemiah / Tamara Cohn Eskenazi -- Esther / Sidnie Ann White -- Job / Carol A. Newsom -- Psalms / Kathleen A. Farmer -- Proverbs / Carole R. Fontaine -- Ecclesiastes / Carole R. Fontaine -- Song of Songs / Renita J. Weems -- Isaiah / Susan Ackerman -- Jeremiah / Kathleen M. O'Connor -- Lamentations / Kathleen M. O'Connor -- Ezekiel / Katheryn Pfisterer Darr -- Daniel and its additions / Toni Craven -- Hosea / Gale A. Yee -- Joel / Beth Glazier-McDonald -- Amos / Jusith E. Sanderson -- Obadiah / Beth Glazier-McDonald -- Jonah / Marsha C. White -- Micah / Judith E. Sanderson -- Nahum / Judith E. Sanderson -- Habakkuk / Judith E. Sanderson -- Zephaniah / Judith E. Sanderson -- Haggai / Beth Glazier-McDonald -- Zechariah / Beth Glazier-McDonald -- Malachi / Beth Glazier-McDonald -- The Apocrypha / Eileen M. Schuller -- Everyday life : women in the period of the Hebrew Bible / Carol L. Meyers. Matthew / Amy-Jill Levine -- Mark / Mary Ann Tolbert -- Luke / Jane Schaberg -- John / Gail R. O'Day -- Romans / Beverly Roberts Gaventa -- 1 Corinthians / Jouette M. Bassler -- 2 Corinthians / Jouette M. Bassler -- Galatians / Carolyn Osiek -- Ephesians / E. Elizabeth Johnson -- Philippians / Pheme Perkins -- Colossians / E. Elizabeth Johnson -- 1 Thessalonians / Pheme Perkins -- 2 Thessalonians / E. Elizabeth Johnson -- 1 Timothy / Joanna Dewey -- 2 Timothy / Joanna Dewey -- Titus / Joanna Dewey -- Philemon / Pheme Perkins -- Hebrews / Mary Rose D'Angelo -- James / Sharyn Dowd -- 1 Peter / Sharyn Dowd -- 2 Peter / Sharyn Dowd -- 1, 2, and 3 John / Gail R. O'Day -- Jude / Sharyn Dowd -- Revelation / Susan R. Garrett -- Early extracanonical writings / Deirdre J. Good -- Everyday life : women in the period of the New Testament.
Integrating Jewish Women into Second Temple History (1999), by Tal Ilan
"Most studies about women, Jewish and other, are usually confined to the domestic sphere: the home, the family, the bed. Yet women were present at all historical events, and it is not only their presence but also their significance for these events which should be recognized. All the sources seem to militate against an approach which assumes the presence of women at public events. When dealing with politics, war and religion they ignore women; when dealing with women, they confine themselves to their prescribed region of the home. In this book Tal Ilan seeks to discover women in public places and at the main events of Second Temple Judaism. The primary principle guiding her work is that if by chance women are mentioned in sources, they should not be treated as a means for explaining the event but rather as an end in themselves. Thus sources showing women as remote or obscure turn out to yield much relevant material. Tal Ilan investigates women's association with the Pharisees and other sects, and analyses women's role in the writings of Josephus, Ben Sira and other important sources. Furthermore she presents us with new insights into famous women: Shelamzion Alexandra, Beruriah, Berenice and others. Special space is devoted to the importance of the Judaean Desert Documents for women’s history."--Publisher description.
Pages in category "Women's Studies--1990s"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.
- The Feminine Unconventional: Four Subversive Figures in Israel's Tradition (1990 Lacocque), book
- Philo's Perception of Women (1990 Sly), book
- The Corinthian Women Prophets: A Reconstruction through Paul's Rhetoric (1990 Wire), book
- Women Like This: New Perspectives on Jewish Women in the Greco-Roman World (1991 Levine), edited volume
- Il corpo e la società: Uomini, Donne e Astinenza Sessuale nei Primi Secoli Cristiani = The Body and Society (1992 @1988 Brown / Legati), book (Italian ed.)
- No Longer Be Silent: First Century Jewish Portraits of Biblical Women (1992 Brown), book
- Women Who Knew Paul (1992 Gillman), book
- Paul, Women & Wives (1992 Keener), book
- Frauen in der Apostelgeschichte des Lukas: eine feministisch-theologische Exegese (1992 Richter Reimer), book
- No One Spoke Ill of Her: Essays on Judith (1992 VanderKam), edited volume
- Women in Late Antiquity: Pagan and Christian Lifestyles (1993 Clark), book
- Mary Magdalen: Myth and Metaphor (1993 Haskins), book
- When Women Were Priests (1993 Torjesen), book
- From Eve to Esther: Rabbinic Reconstructs of Biblical Women (1994 Bronner), book
- Anti-Judaism in Feminist Religious Writings (1994 Kellenbach), book
- Women and Jesus in Mark: A Japanese Feminist Perspective (1994 Kinukawa), book
- Not Counting Women and Children: Neglected Stories from the Bible (1994 McKenna), book
- (+) Jesus, Miriam's Child, Sophia's Prophet: Critical Issues in Feminist Christology (1994 Schüssler Fiorenza), book
- Lydia (1995 Greegor / Perry), novel & art
- Jewish Women in Greco-Roman Palestine (1995 Ilan), book
- Women in the Acts of the Apostles: A Feminist Liberation Perspective (1995 Richter Reimer / Maloney), book (English ed.)
- Woman and Man in Paul: Overcoming a Misunderstanding (1996 Baumert), book
- Plotted, Shot, and Painted: Cultural Representations of Biblical Women (1996 Exum), book
- The Woman Jesus Loved: Mary Magdalene in the Nag Hammadi Library and Related Documents (1996 Marjanen), book
- Women and Religion in the First Christian Centuries (1996 Sawyer), book
- Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroticism (1998 Brooten), book
- Speaking of Women: Interpreting Paul (1998 Perriman), book
- Women and Redemption: A Theological History (1998 Ruether), book
- Women in the New Testament (1998 Thurston), book
- The Empowerment of Women in the Book of Jubilees (1999 Amaru), book
- Women in the Hebrew Bible: A Reader (1999 Bach), edited volume
- Women & Christian Origins (1999 Kraemer / D'Angelo), edited volume
- Eve & Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender (1999 Kvam, Schearing, Ziegler), edited volume
- Eve and Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender (1999 Kvam, Schearing, Ziegler), book
- Daughter of Jerusalem (1999 Lemmons), novel
Media in category "Women's Studies--1990s"
The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.
- 1990 * Witherington.jpg 324 × 499; 18 KB
- 1992 Frymer-Kensky.jpg 324 × 499; 30 KB
- 1992 * Kraemer.jpg 324 × 499; 34 KB
- 1992-E * Newsom Ringe.jpg 475 × 475; 26 KB
- 1993 Corley.jpg 304 × 474; 32 KB
- 1996 * Pelikan.jpg 312 × 499; 28 KB
- 1998-E * Newsom Ringe.jpg 500 × 500; 26 KB
- 1998 Stocker.jpg 339 × 499; 28 KB
- 1999 * Ilan.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB