The Sins of Herod (1968 Slaughter), novel
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<bibexternal title="The Sins of Herod" author="Slaughter"/>
The Sins of Herod (1968) is a novel by Frank G. Slaughter.
"A novel of Rome and the early Church." Peter, John and James preach against the Herods (Antipas and Agrippa) and Roman Emperor Caligula.
Editions and translations
Published in Garden City, NY: Doubleday; and London: Hutchinson, 1968.
External links
- 1968
- Fiction--1960s
- Fiction--English
- Literature--1960s
- Novels
- English language--1960s
- Christian Origins Studies--1960s
- Christian Origins Studies--Fiction
- Christian Origins Studies--English
- Herod Antipas (subject)
- Herod Antipas--fiction (subject)
- Herod Antipas--literature (subject)
- Herod Agrippa (subject)
- Herod Agrippa--fiction (subject)
- Herod Agrippa--literature (subject)
- Peter (subject)
- Peter--fiction (subject)
- Peter--literature (subject)
- John (subject)
- John--fiction (subject)
- John--literature (subject)
- James (subject)
- James--fiction (subject)
- James--literature (subject)
- Super Bestsellers