The Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John (2008 Reynolds), book

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The Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John (2008) is a book by Benjamin E. Reynolds.


"The title 'Son of Man' in the Gospel of John is an apocalyptic reference that highlights, among a number of things, that Jesus is a heavenly figure. Benjamin E. Reynolds analyzes the background of 'Son of Man' from the 'one like a son of man' in Daniel 7 and the interpretations of this figure in Jewish apocalyptic and early Christian literature. Although there is no established 'Son of Man concept', the Danielic son of man is interpreted with common characteristics that suggest there was at least some general understanding of this figure in the Second Temple period. The author shows that these common characteristics are noticeable throughout the Son of Man sayings in John's Gospel. The context and the interpretation of these sayings point to an understanding of the Johannine Son of Man similar to those in the interpretations of the Danielic figure. However, even though these similarities exist, the Johannine figure is distinct from the previous interpretations, just as they are distinct from one another. One obvious difference is the present reality of the Son of Man's role in judgment and salvation. The Johannine Son of Man is an apocalyptic figure, and thus 'Son of Man' does not function to draw attention to Jesus' humanity in the Gospel of John. Nor is the title synonymous with 'Son of God'. 'Son of Man’ may overlap in meaning with other titles, particularly 'Son of God' and 'Messiah', but 'Son of Man' points to aspects of Jesus' identity that are not indicated by any other title. Along with the other titles, it helps to present a richer Christological portrait of the Johannine Jesus."--Publisher description.

"Benjamin E. Reynolds untersucht die Verwendung des Begriffs "Menschensohn" im Johannesevangelium. Die Wurzeln dieser apokalyptischen Figur liegen in der Wendung "wie eines Menschen Sohn" aus Daniel 7 und in der jüdischen apokalyptischen Literatur. Der Autor zeigt, dass die Bezeichnung "Menschensohn" weder dazu dient, auf Jesu Menschsein zu verweisen, noch gleichbedeutend mit der Bezeichnung "Sohn Gottes" ist. Die Bedeutung des Begriffs weist zwar viele Überschneidungen mit anderen Titeln auf, verweist aber gleichzeitig auf Aspekte in der Persönlichkeit Jesu, die von keinem anderen Titel zum Ausdruck gebracht werden. Vielmehr hilft er, ein genaueres christologisches Portrait des johanneischen Jesu zu zeichnen."--Publisher description (German).

The book analyzes the background of ‘Son of Man’ from the ‘one like a son of man’ in Daniel 7 and the interpretations of this figure in Jewish apocalyptic and early Christian literature. The conclusion is that the Johannine Son of Man is an apocalyptic figure, and thus ‘Son of Man’ does not function to draw attention to Jesus’ humanity in the Gospel of John. Nor is the title synonymous with ‘Son of God’. The 'Son of Man' title may overlap in meaning with other titles, particularly ‘Son of God’ and ‘Messiah’, but the ‘Son of Man’ as a heavenly, preexistent figure who brings judgment and salvation, points to aspects of Jesus’ identity that are not indicated by any other title.


Published in Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck, 2008 (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2.249).

Table of contents

  • Introduction: The Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John
    • 1. Previous Research on the Son of Man in the Gospel of John
    • 2. Defining `Apocalyptic', `Apocalype', and `apocalyptic Son of Man'
    • 3. A `Son of Man Concept'?
    • 4. Structure of the Study and Criteria for Identifying the Presence of the Danielic Son of Man
  • Part One - The `One Like a Son of Man' and the Interpretations of this figure in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and Early Christianity
    • 1. The `One Like a Son of Man' in Daniel 7: Aramaic Daniel and the Earliest Greek Versions
    • 2. The `One Like a Son of Man' in Jewish Apocalyptic Interpretation
    • 3. The `One Like a Son of Man' in Early Christian Interpretation
  • Part Two - The Son of Man in the Gospel of John
    • 4. The Apocalyptic Introduction of the Johannine Son of Man John 1.51
    • 5. The Ascent-Descent and Lifting Up of the Son of Man - John 3.13-14
    • 6. The Son of Man as Apocalyptic Judge - John 5.27
    • 7. The Life-Giving Son of Man - John 6.27. 53.62
    • 8. The Lifted up and Recognized Son of Man - John 8.28
    • 9. Belief in the Son of Man - John 9.35
    • 10. The Glorification and Lifting Up of the Son of Man - John 12.23, 34
    • 11. The Glorification of the Son of Man and God - John 13.31-32
    • Conclusion
  • Appendix: Tabular Representation of the Apocalyptic Characteristics

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