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- "Introduction, traduction du syriaque et commentaire." Syriac text and French translation, with introduction and notes. ...the line of Violet and Gressman, advocates for the unity of composition of 2 Baruch and establishes a close tie between the document and later Rabbinic1 KB (128 words) - 05:28, 2 August 2018
- Greek text and English translation of 4 Baruch. * 4 Baruch and Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch (2 Baruch)699 bytes (81 words) - 07:21, 14 April 2011
- ''' Second Baruch: A Critical Edition of the Syriac Text''' (2009) is a book by [[Daniel M. Gurtner]]. The book provides a critical edition of the Syriac text with Greek and Latin fragments, English translation, introduction, and conc2 KB (253 words) - 15:54, 26 July 2018
- ...and chapters LXXVIII-LXXXVII-The Epistle of Baruch from a new and critical text based on ten mss. and published herewith. Edited with introduction, notes, ...fluenced by the work of Eugene de Faye and R. Kabisch, Charles argues that 2 Baruch was the product of several editors, combining sources written before2 KB (240 words) - 00:41, 2 August 2018
- The book focuses on Baruch, with a short chapter on [[2 Baruch]]. ...Gv5Kw6Qg&hl=it&ei=lAqbSvcsiuI13OXwuwU&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2#v=onepage&q=&f=false Google Books (full view)]1 KB (155 words) - 21:53, 26 January 2021
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:2 Baruch (text)]]39 bytes (4 words) - 15:25, 25 September 2010
- ...ressman adds an appendix in which he argues that 4 Ezra was dependent upon 2 Baruch. [[Category:2 Baruch (text)|1924 Violet]]1 KB (129 words) - 21:07, 26 January 2021
- ...the text known in Latin translation in 1866 and then published the Syriac text in 1871. This is the ''editio princeps'' of the document. Published in ''Monumenta sacra et profana'' (tomus V, fasc. 2; Milan [Italy], 1871), p.113-167.937 bytes (109 words) - 14:01, 23 December 2019
- *[[Liv Ingeborg Lied]], in [[Journal of Semitic Studies]] 50.2 (2005) 403-405 *1. This Is Not the City I Have Engraved on the Palms of My Hands (2 Bar. 4:1-7)2 KB (325 words) - 06:57, 25 July 2018
- ...he apocalypse known in 1866 in Latin translation. He published the Syriac text in 1871. Prior to this time, only the Epistle was known. Published in ''Monumenta sacra et profana'' (tomus I, fasc. 2; Milan [Italy], 1866), pp. i-iii, 73-951,000 bytes (121 words) - 14:01, 23 December 2019
- German translation of 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch in parallel columns. [[Category:4 Ezra (text)|1992 Berger]]797 bytes (85 words) - 04:35, 2 August 2018
- Greek text of the [[Testament of Job]] (by [[Sebastian P. Brock]]) and [[3 Baruch]] (b ...shed in Leiden: Brill, 1967 ([[Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti Graece]], 2).1 KB (109 words) - 05:29, 2 August 2018
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:2 Baruch (text)]]79 bytes (8 words) - 14:41, 2 April 2012
- #REDIRECT [[:Category:2 Baruch (text)]]79 bytes (8 words) - 04:31, 3 April 2012
- ...alypses and related literature preserved among the Pseudepigrapha (4 Ezra, 2 Baruch, 3 Baruch, 4 Baruch, Sibylline Oracles 4 and 5, and the Apocalypse o [[Category:4 Ezra (text)|2011 Jones]]2 KB (243 words) - 18:06, 22 December 2020
- To the documents included by Kautzsch, Charles added [[2 Enoch]], [[Ahiqar]], [[Pirke Abot]], and the [[Damascus Document]]. Published in Oxford [England]: Clarendon Press, <2 vols.> 1913. Reprinted several times in Oxford: Clarendon Press, between 198 KB (945 words) - 23:03, 21 November 2019
- ''' Eschatology in the Theodicies of 2 Baruch and 4 Ezra''' (1989) is a book by [[Tom. W. Willett]]. [[Category:2 Baruch (text)|1989 Willett]]683 bytes (71 words) - 00:21, 1 August 2018
- ..., the four apocalyptic books are 1) the Assumption of Moses, 2) 4 Ezra, 3) 2 Baruch, and 4) Tobit. Rosenthal studied these texts as Jewish documents and [[Category:2 Baruch (text)|1885 Rosenthal]]1 KB (161 words) - 03:58, 2 August 2018
- The Other Lands of Israel: Imaginations of the Land in 2 Baruch" author="Lied"/> '''The Other Lands of Israel: Imaginations of the Land in 2 Baruch''' (2008) is a book by [[Liv Ingeborg Lied]].2 KB (254 words) - 07:19, 30 October 2015
- *2. Ezekiel: "Desolate among them" *4. 2 and 3 Baruch : "Cease irritating God"2 KB (251 words) - 00:56, 2 August 2018