Rosa Goldmark (F / Austria, 1927-1945), Holocaust victim

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Rosa Goldmark (F / Austria, 1927-1945), Holocaust victim

  • MEMOIRS : Vous Etes Venus Me Chercher. L'Histoire De Rosa Goldmark, 1927-1945 (2014), by Sylvie Goll Solinas


Rosa Goldmark was born in Vienna, Austria, on October 28, 1927. Having experienced Nazi persecution of Jews, in 1938-39 she went as refugees to Belgium and from there in 1940 to France where the children were hosted (boys and girls) at Seyre and at the Chateau de La Hille.

From August 1942 the situation became precarious as the Nazi ordered the arrest of all Jewish boys and girls over 15 years of age.

The end of her existence remains largely a mystery. Mentally disturbed, she was admitted to a mental asylum (the Demi-Lune Lannemezan hospital), where she died on June 15, 1945, just a few days after the end of the war.


Ils s'appelaient Jacob, Walter, Pierre, Egon, Jaime... Rosa. Ils n'taient que des enfants. Cachs au chteau de la Hille, en Arige, certains sont morts en dportation, livrs aux bourreaux par nos gendarmes franais; d'autres ont survcu et transmis leur mmoire. Rosa Goldmark, ne Vienne le 28 octobre 1927, ne savait pas qu'elle finirait sa vie dans un asile psychiatrique, quelques jours aprs la fin de la guerre. Elle aussi tait une enfant de la Hille. Que l'on exila. Que l'on oublia. La fin de son existence reste un mystre. Dclare morte au printemps 1944, elle est dcde, en ralit, le 15 juin 1945, l'hpital de la Demi-Lune Lannemezan, aprs avoir suppli pendant des mois que l'on vienne la chercher, pour la ramener au chteau. De juin 1944 juin 1945, Rosa vivait. Mal, mais elle vivait. Et personne ne le savait. Sylvie Goll Solinas a march sur les pas de Rosa, cherch en Belgique, en Suisse, aux Etats-Unis, en France, pour rassembler quelques rares documents et redonner vie Rosa, cette petite jeune fille juive oublie de tous. Vous tes venus me chercher est le rcit d'une rencontre, au bout de l'horreur et de l'oubli. Sylvie Goll Solinas l'a crit avec amour et conviction pour rparer une injustice et honorer la mmoire de Rosa.

Their names were Jacob, Walter, Pierre, Egon, Jaime... Rosa. They were just children. Hidden in the Château de la Hille, in Arige, some died in deportation, handed over to the executioners by our French gendarmes; others have survived and transmitted their memory. Rosa Goldmark, born in Vienna on October 28, 1927, did not know that she would end her life in a mental asylum, a few days after the end of the war. She too was a child of the Hill. That we exiled. Which we forgot. The end of its existence remains a mystery. Declared dead in the spring of 1944, she actually died on June 15, 1945, at the Demi-Lune Lannemezan hospital, after having begged for months to be picked up and brought back to the castle. From June 1944 to June 1945, Rosa lived. Badly, but she lived. And no one knew. Sylvie Goll Solinas walked in the footsteps of Rosa, sought in Belgium, Switzerland, the United States, France, to collect a few rare documents and bring Rosa back to life, this young Jewish girl forgotten by everyone. You came to get me is the story of an encounter, at the end of horror and oblivion. Sylvie Goll Solinas wrote it with love and conviction to right an injustice and honor Rosa's memory.

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