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Pages in category "Petrine Studies--2000s"
The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.
- ~~ ~~ 2000 ~~ ~~ ~~
- (+) 1 Peter (2000 Elliott), book
- Reading 1 Peter, Jude, and 2 Peter (2000 Richard), book
- ~~ ~~ 2001 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Christological and Rhetorical Properties of 1 Peter (2001 Pearson), book
- ~~ ~~ 2002 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Jude; 2 Peter (2002 Kraftchick), book
- Lettere di Pietro; Lettera di Giuda (2002 Mazzeo), book
- ~~ ~~ 2003 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Fisherman (2003 Huntsperger), novel
- Peter: The Myth, the Man and the Writings (2003 Lapham), book
- Jerusalem’s Rain (2003 Lliteras), novel
- Il vangelo di Pietro (Gospel of Peter / 2002 Mara), book
- 1, 2 Peter, Jude (2003 Schreiner), book
- 1 Peter / Jude and 2 Peter (2003 Senior / Harrington), book
- ~~ ~~ 2004 ~~ ~~ ~~
- La prima lettera di Pietro = 1 Peter: A Commentary (2004 @1996 Achtemeier / Ruggeri), book (Italian ed.)
- Irmãos de Fé (Brothers in Faith / 2004 Góes), feature film (Portuguese)
- Das Petrusevangelium und die Petrusapokalypse (The Gospel and the Apocalypse of Peter / 2004 Kraus, Nicklas), book
- ~~ ~~ 2005 ~~ ~~ ~~
- San Pietro (St. Peter / 2005 Base), TV mini-series
- Paul (2005 Brenton), play
- Der erste Brief des Petrus (The First Letter of Peter / 2005 Feldmeier), book
- Lettera di Giuda; Seconda Lettera di Pietro (2005 Marconi), book
- ~~ ~~ 2006 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Der unterschätzte Petrus: zwei Studien (2006 Hengel), book
- ~~ ~~ 2007 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Simone Bariona = Simon Bar Jona (2007 Parazzoli), non-fiction
- Peter in the Gospel of John (2007 Blaine), book
- Simón Pedro, Pablo de Tarso y María Magdalena = Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene (2007 Ehrman / Noriega), book (Spanish ed.)
- Das Evangelium nach Petrus (Gospel of Peter / 2007 Kraus, Nicklas), edited volume
- El testamento del pescador (2007 Vidal Manzanares), novel
- ~~ ~~ 2008 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The First Letter of Peter = Der erste Brief des Petrus (2008 @2005 Feldmeier / Davids), book (English ed.)
- Pietro, Paolo e Maria Maddalena = Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene (2008 @2006 Ehrman / Valdré), book (Italian ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 2009 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Петр, Павел и Мария Магдалина = Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene (2009 Ehrman), book (Russian ed.)
- Petrus in Rom (2009 Zwierlein), book
Media in category "Petrine Studies--2000s"
This category contains only the following file.
- 2006 * Ehrman 2.jpg 907 × 1,360; 161 KB