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Pages in category "NT Apocrypha Studies--1850s"
The following 20 pages are in this category, out of 20 total.
- Evangelia apocrypha (1853 Tischendorf), book
- Non-Canonical Books (1886 Salmon), book
- The Life of Christ according to Extra-Canonical Sources (1887 Pick), book
- Agrapha: aussercanonische Evangelienfragmente (1889 Resch), book
- Fragments du texte grec du livre d'Énoch et de quelques écrits attribués à Saint Pierre (Fragments of the Greek Text of the Book of Enoch and Some Writings Attributed to St. Peter / 1892 Bouriant), book
- Evangelii secundum Petrum et Petri apocalypseos (The Gospel of Peter, and the Apocalypse of Peter / 1892 Lods), book
- The Gospel according to Peter, and the Revelation of Peter (1892 Robinson, James), book
- Canonical and Uncanonical Gospels: With a Translation of the Recently Discovered Fragment of the Gospel of Peter, and a Selection from the Sayings of Our Lord not Found in the Four Gospels (1893 Barnes), book
- Das Evangelium und die Apokalypse des Petrus (The Gospel and the Apocalypse of Peter / 1893 Gebhardt), book
- Bruchstücke des Evangeliums und der Apokalypse des Petrus (Fragments of the Gospel and the Apocalypse of Peter / 1893 Harnack), book
- A Popular Account of the Newly-Recovered Gospel of Peter (1893 Harris), book
- L'Évangile et l'Apocalypse de Pierre, avec le texte grec du livre d'Hénoch (1893 Lods), book
- Det s.k. Petrusevangeleit (Gospel of Peter / 1893 Lundborg), book
- L'Évangile de Pierre et les évangile canoniques (The Gospel of Peter and the Canonical Gospels / 1893 Sabatier), book
- Die Composition des pseudopetrinischen Evangelien-Fragments (The Composition of the Pseudo-Petrine Gospel Fragment / 1893 Schubert), book
- The Akhmîm fragment of the Apocryphal Gospel of St. Peter (1893 Swete), book
- Das Evangelium des Petrus (Gospel of Peter / 1893 Zahn), book
- The Gospel according to Peter: A Study (1894 Cassels), book
- Die Sprüche Jesu: die in den kanonischen Evangelien nicht überliefert sind (1896 Ropes), book
- L'Évangile de Pierre (Gospel of Peter / 1930 Vaganay), book