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Pages in category "Johannine Studies--2000s"
The following 71 pages are in this category, out of 71 total.
- ~~ ~~ 2000 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Die Johannesbriefe (2000 Beutler), book
- Come nasce una religione (2000 Destro/Pesce), book
- Social-Science Commentary on the Book of Revelation (2000 Malina, Pilch), book
- ~~ ~~ 2001 ~~ ~~ ~~
- 1, 2, 3 John (2001 Akin), book
- Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel (2001 Bieringer), edited volume
- Comment Luc a remanié l'évangile de Jean (2001 Boismard), book
- "Igaz tanúvallomás - Kommentár János evangéliumához (A True Testimony - A Commentary to the Gospel of John / 2001 Bolyki), book
- Voices of the Mystics: Early Christian Discourse in the Gospels of John and Thomas (2001 De Conick), book
- John's Apologetic Christology (2001 McGrath), book
- Befriending the Beloved Disciple (2001 Reinhartz), book
- The Epistles of John (2001 Rensberger), book
- John, Beloved Disciple (2001 Reymond), book
- ~~ ~~ 2002 ~~ ~~ ~~
- János evangéliuma a görög tragédiák tükrében (The Gospel of John from the Perspective of Greek Tragedies / 2002 Bolyki), book
- Cómo nació el cristianismo joánico (2002 Destro/Pesce / Álvarez), book (Spanish ed.)
- L'Apocalisse (The Apocalypse / 2002 Mertes), TV film
- ~~ ~~ 2003 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Scripture Cannot Be Broken: The Social Function of the Use of Scripture in the Fourth Gospel (2003 Clark-Soles), book
- God and History in the Book of Revelation (2003 Gilbertson), book
- The Gospel according to John (2003 Kruse), book
- A Feminist Companion to John (2003 Levine, Blickenstaff), edited volume
- The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003 Saville), feature film
- Revelation ~ NCBC (2003 Witherington), book
- ~~ ~~ 2004 ~~ ~~ ~~
- L'Apocalisse e i suoi enigmi (2004 Biguzzi), book
- A Feminist Companion to the Catholic Epistles and Hebrews (2004 Levine, Robbins), edited volume
- Escritos de São João (2004 Neves), book
- The People of God in the Apocalypse (2004 Pattemore), book
- ~~ ~~ 2005 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Apocalisse (2005 Biguzzi), book
- La Chiesa nel quarto Vangelo (2005 Binni), book
- Johannine Sectarianism in Perspective: A Sociological, Historical, and Comparative Analysis of Temple and Social Relationships in the Gospel of John, Philo, and Qumran (2005 Fuglseth), book
- Identity Matters: John, the Jews, and Jewishness (2005 Hakola), book
- Jesus, Messias e vivificador do mundo (2005 Malzoni), book
- Storia dell'interpretazione ed esegesi di 1 Gv 3,18-22 (2005 Scarano), book
- Das Johannesevangelium (The Gospel of John / 2005 Thyen), book
- Reading Revelation (2005 Trafton), book
- The Gospel of the Beloved Disciple (2005 Waetjen), book
- ~~ ~~ 2006 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Judaism and the Jews in the Gospel of John (2006 Beutler), book
- L'Ebraismo e gli Ebrei nel vangelo di Giovanni (2006 Beutler), book (Italian ed.)
- A Commentary on the Revelation of St. John (2006 Boxall), book
- John: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist (2006 Carter), book
- The Jews and the World in the Fourth Gospel (2006 Kierspel), book
- A History of the End of the World (2006 Kirsch), non-fiction
- (+) John's Story (2006 LaHaye/Jenkins), novel
- The Judaean Poor and the Fourth Gospel (2006 Ling), book
- A Commentary to the Apocalypse of John (2006 Lupieri), book (English ed.)
- The Bridegroom Messiah and the People of God: Marriage in the Fourth Gospel (2006 McWhirter), book
- John (2006 O'Day / Hylen), book
- ~~ ~~ 2007 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple (2007 Bauckham), book
- Peter in the Gospel of John (2007 Blaine), book
- The Sheep of the Fold: The Audience and Origin of the Gospel of John (2007 Klink), book
- The Gospel of John ~ NCBC (2007 Neyrey), book
- Hagyományok Dialógusban. Közelítések János evangéliumához (Approaches to the Gospel of John / 2007 Simon), book
- 啟示錄 (Revelation of John / 2007 Sun), book
- L'évangile selon saint Jean (The Gospel of John / 2007-14 Zumstein), book
- ~~ ~~ 2008 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Una donna avvolta nel sole (2008 Arcari), book
- The Gospel of John and Christian Theology (2008 Bauckham / Mosser), edited volume
- A tanúvallomás folytatódik - Kommentár János leveleihez (The Testimony Continues - A Commentary to the Epistles of John / 2008 Bolyki), book
- John and Empire: Initial Explorations (2008 Carter), book
- Le signe du Sanctuaire (2008 Latour), book
- The Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John (2008 Reynolds), book
- The Fourth Gospel in Four Dimensions: Judaism and Jesus, the Gospels and Scripture (2008 Smith), book
- ~~ ~~ 2009 ~~ ~~ ~~
- A Feminist Companion to the Apocalypse of John (2009 Levine, Robbins), edited volume
Media in category "Johannine Studies--2000s"
The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
- 2003 * Pagels.jpg 324 × 499; 41 KB
- 2008 Tukasi.jpg 400 × 604; 49 KB