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Pages in category "Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--1970s"
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.
- Philo's Use of the Categories Male and Female (1970 Baer), book
- Introduction aux pseudépigraphes grecs d'Ancien Testament (Introduction to the Old Testament Greek Pseudepigrapha / 1970 Denis), book
- Filone Alessandrino (1970 Maddalena), book
- Hellenistic Influence on the Book of Wisdom and Its Consequences (1970 Reese), book
- Filon: yesodot ha-filosofyah ha-datit ha-Yehudit (1970 Wolfson / Meizels), book (Hebrew ed.)
- Obshchina terapevtov (1972 Elizarova), book
- La doctrine eucharistique chez Philon d’Alexandrie (1972 Laporte), book
- Philon d’Alexandrie, Legatio ad Gaium (1972 Pelletier), book
- Philo’s Place in Judaism, 2nd ed. (1972 Sandmel), book
- Die Flavius-Josephus-Tradition in Antike und Mittelalter (1972 Schreckenberg), book
- Studia Philonica (1972-1980), journal
- A Classified Bibliography of the Septuagint (1973 Brock, Fritsch, Jellicoe), book
- The Wisdom of Solomon (1973 Clarke), book
- Logos und Sophia: Untersuchungen zur Weisheitstheologie im hellenistischen Judentum (1973 Mack), book
- Recenti studi filoniani, 1963-70 (1973 Nazzaro), book
- L'ancienne version latine des Questions sur la Genèse de Philon d'Alexandrie (1973 Petit), book
- The Sibylline Oracles of Egyptian Judaism (1974 Collins), book
- Gli ebrei sotto la dominazione romana (1974 Defendi), book
- Judaism and Hellenism = Judentum und Hellenismus (1974 Hengel / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Textual Criticism of the Old Testament: The Septuagint after Qumran (1974 Klein), book
- Index Philoneus (1974 Mayer), book
- Sapienza (1975 Conti), book
- Bibliographie zur jüdisch-hellenistischen und intertestamentarischen Literatur, 1900-1970 (1975 Maser, Delling), book
- Alien Wisdom: The Limits of Hellenization (1975 Momigliano), book
- Alla luce del logos: Filone d'Alessandria (1975 Siciliano), book
- Filón de Alejandría: Obras completas (Philo of Alexandria: Complete Works / 1975-76 Triviño), book
- (+) Aspects of Wisdom in Judaism and Early Christianity (1975 Wilken), edited volume
- Beobachtungen zu Sprache, Stil und Gedankengut des Vierten Makkabäerbuchs (1976 Breitenstein), book
- Kosmos und Logos nach Philon von Alexandria (1976 Farandos), book
- Juden, Griechen und Barbaren (1976 Hengel), book
- The Son of God = Der Sohn Gottes (1976 Hengel / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- The Concept of Spirit: A Study of pneuma in Hellenistic Judaism and Its Bearing on the New Testament (1976 Isaacs), book
- פרקי פילון (Philo Chapters / 1976 Rokeah), book (Hebrew)
- Le commentaire de l’Ecriture chez Philon d’Alexandrie: son caractère et sa portée (1977 Nikiprowetzky), book
- Commento storico al Contro Apione di Giuseppe (1977 Troiani), book
- Filone di Alessandria, La creazione del mondo (1978 Calvetti, Bigatti / Reale), book
- Hellenistic Mystery-Religions = Die hellenistischen Mysterienreligionen (1978 Reitzenstein / Steely), book (English ed.)
- Conversion to Judaism: From the Biblical Period to the Present (1978 Rosenbloom), book
- La lettera di Aristea a Filocrate (1979 Kraus Reggiani), book
- Frühjüdische Weisheitstraditionen (Early Jewish Wisdom Traditions / 1979 Küchler), book
- Bibliographie zu Flavius Josephus: Supplementband mit Gesamtregister (1979 Schreckenberg), book
- Studies in Hellenistic Religions (1979 Vermaseren), edited volume
Media in category "Hellenistic-Jewish Studies--1970s"
The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.
- 1971 * Glatzer.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB
- 1975 Sevenster.jpg 334 × 499; 13 KB
- 1976 * Schussler Fiorenza.jpg 313 × 500; 19 KB
- 1979 Kraus Reggiani.jpg 363 × 499; 27 KB
- 1979 * Sandmel.jpg 324 × 499; 45 KB
- 1979 Winston.jpg 321 × 499; 26 KB